Paws, claws, feathers and fins

The whole family shifted the night of Junior’s excursion and we haven’t seen them since. Reckon they were over us. My better half has heard them though, at night and nearby. We think they have relocated to thicker bush near a dry creek bed just beyond the reserve out back. Last time I saw Junior it had fluttered/flown to significantly higher branches in the huge gum in the reserve.



Some lady tried to tell me the other day her dog had been attacked by an echidna and now it had spikes all stuck in its face.
I told her that’s not quite how echidnas operate.

Also, Pills Jr (2.5) met an echidna the other week. Was very confused at what it was.

That was extremely impressiv, & if I ever had a Cat, that one would be it.

The tweet that followed it made me LMAO though, …

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Given it’s going to be as hot as Satan’s armpit tomorrow, a bit of consideration for wildlife wouldn’t go astray. Please consider putting out a dish of water in a shady spot, making sure that small critters can both reach it and get out if they fall in.

If you find wildlife in distress (ringtail possums in particular suffer badly), don’t soak them or wrap them in wet towels, this will overheat them worse. Cover them in an upturned laundry basket or similar then drape a wet towel over that and let it cool by evaporation. Re-wet the towel regularly, and give them something to drink. And keep dogs and cats away, of course.

Wildlife rescuers/carers will be absolutely snowed under today, so be aware if you call it’ll be some time if they can get to you. So just be aware of how you can help out your local critters before that becomes necessary…


Applause to the NSW Rural Fire Service for training and engaging koala detection dogs.
I saw one of them, Bear, wearing Essendon socks
( May not be true, also the colours of the now defunct North Sydney Bears NRL team, but Bear was wearing red and black socks).


Noticed this little tacker popping up in our area in the last few months and it has developed a liking for this melaleaca on our nature strip, even saw it nibbling on the foliage. Mind you it was in a nearby manna gum this morning so I think it’s just looking for some peace and quiet.


A Koala in A Melaleuca is just not right. Never seen that in all my days.

Maybe with so much loss of their proper habitat, they are taking Scummos lead & “Adapting”

That photo is really disturbing.

Clearly destruction of habitat is one of the key challenges to indigenous fauna but in this case there are suitable gums nearby. It just seems to like the melaleuca.

Maybe it’s high on all the Eucalypt smoke lately, … :confused:

Very weird.

We had a koala scuttle up a tree round the corner last week. Certainly wasn’t a eucalypt, and it was only 50m or less from the main highway. The Wildlife Officer came and collected it a couple of hours later.

He’d got high up the tree by the time we saw him. He’s in the middle of the second photo behind some branches and leaves.

The third photo shows how far from the A1 it was. The car is turning into Bank St towards the centre of town.


Lots of koalas where I live and I regularly see them in the back yard. Saw one sitting in my (very large) apricot tree one day just chilling out having a bit of a rest.

Here in Portland, it’s not unusual to see them walking down the road/footpath, even in the centre of town (much to the delight of international tourists).


Like this little guy…


I’m no expert but are you sure that’s a guy?
“One of the easiest ways to identify the sex of a Koala is to look for the dark brown scent gland which is located in the centre of the white chests of mature, breeding males. Females and young pre-breeding males have a plain white chest. The male Koala is often referred to as a ‘buck’ and the female as a ‘doe’.”


Injured wombat today

And now I’m standing in the rain waiting for animal rescue for an injured roo

Bad day for animals.


Hope they recover well.


Thanks for looking out for them @Mex. Been a lousy summer for critters generally.


Major oops!

We are not amused