Pell and other allegations

It’s the victims who are wrong.


Lots of people who know things, directly, don’t like to talk about them.
It took someone ten years to talk to his best friend about it.
Lots of people who have heard their story don’t want to get into a slanging match on the interwebs about it.
Now I don’t give a rats ■■■■ whether you believe him, or me, or not.
The Catholic church did.

So don’t think all the ‘evidence’ is all there is.
And don’t think people care enough about the Catholic church to be going to all this trouble.
They really don’t.
I don’t.

And I have no idea whether Pell himself was a kiddie-fiddler.
That’s what the court case is about, and I’ll wait to see what the decision is.

But I will say this.
Pell knew.
He farking knew and he can die in a fire as far as I’m concerned.


Say whatever you like. Believe whatever you like. I couldn’t care less what you believe or say.

Because you’re as committed to what you know waaaaay more than I am.

I don’t know why you replied. I’d been arguing with Bacchus and he seemed to give up. Then you weighed in with “I know about Pell because, well, because, well, I KNOW.”

Which only proves my original point that people, including you, have condemned Pell not only without evidence, but in contradiction to what evidence there is.

So believe what you like. You’ll believe it no matter what I say or anyone else says. As I said, I couldn’t care less.



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I care about what came out of the Royal Commission and the institutional abuse inflicted on powerless children. The instutional structures facilitated the abuse, but then those in power within the institution could accept no blame.

You’re right. And there were plenty of individual members of the Catholic Church hierarchy who were strongly criticised by the Commission for their roles in covering things up.

George Pell was not one of them.

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On the other hand, connected to the Royal Commission into the banking and financial sector, a few people in high positions of power have fallen on their swords for what happened under their watch.

Well I think that the liberals ended with so much egg on their face after saying that rc wasn’t required, the executives saw the writing on the wall to resign rather than be pushed by their masters.

Might also be connected to shareholders in addition to government underpinning their status

Ahh the good ole shareholders who demand increasing profits every year but are then “shocked” to find these unrealistic expectations are fulfilled by less than ethical behaviour.

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And those shareholders are largely our super funds.

And the managers of those super funds rarely grizzle about that behaviour, because they’re all tarred with the same brush.

And George Pell has a lot to do with that, right?

Even though the big end of town is largely goat-riders and Red Sea pedestrians.

Yes - apologies I digress. That last sentence is completely lost on me.

Goat-riders = Freemasons, sworn enemies of Catholicism

Red Sea pedestrians = gentlemen of Semitic ancestry

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The same institutional abuse that was aided and abetted by parents who refused to believe their children and therefore put religion before children

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Again spoken like a farking lawyer.


Documented that some kids did not tell their parents , also documented that many parents fought tooth and nail for their kids. Ask the Fosters.
An example not related to clerical abuse, but how children get exploited and how children handle abuse by persons in a position of trust:
A small child told her friends about a relative “touching” her, who told a teacher who told the police without contaminating the evidence. The parents were horrified, believed that the child had no reason to lie, it went to trial, relative acquitted on the basis of criminal standard of proof ; but parents reassured the child that they believed her and that they would make every effort to ensure that it would never happen again.
Then there are the documented examples of those poor orphans running away from orphanages (Catholic and other) becausd of abuse, only to be sent back by the cops.
It goes beyond sexual abuse to an abuse of power

Whether its sexual abuse or powers some parents/care-givers refused to believe their children - Now this can happen in all walks of life but manifests itself more when it comes to faith.

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