Pell and other allegations

Geez, from memory, there would be some pretty embarrassing posts earlier in this thread that wouldn’t have aged well.

I always knew Pell was a piece of sh*t. However, I never suspected that he was this big of a piece.


Should be castrated and forced to eat his own balls. And he is the reason for one of his victims “accidental” death


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I thought Tim Minchin just wrote a song, and then the smashed-avo eating lefties started a witch-hunt?

Probably won’t see jail, probably have house arrest or something like that

When was the last time a child rapist got home detention? He’ll be going away. Surely

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Pretty sure bacchus copped it for relating a story told to him personally by an alleged victim.
And wim had a friend abused by one of Pell’s cronies.
Hopefully this brings some small measure of peace.


Never, but not many child rapists have been high up in the clergy or anyone of status/power

Well the mother of a victim knew a month ago that the 27th was a sentencing hearing. So she’ll be there tomorrow

So Bolt is still defending him

He can ■■■■ off to hell with Pell


A tough read but my dog does he make the point:


Should be put in stocks in prison, sans pants, and be used as as a fark toy for ■■■■■ lifers.

I was thinking being dropped into shark infested waters. But the above also works.

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As an archbishop in Melbourne and a cardinal in Sydney Pell poured his energies into combating contraception, homosexuality, genetic engineering, divorce, equal marriage and abortion.

He was particularly brutal to homosexuals. When a wreath was laid outside St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne in memory of gay students in Catholic schools driven to suicide, Pell’s disdain was absolute.

“I haven’t got good statistics on the reasons for those suicides,” he declared. “If they are connected with homosexuality, it is another reason to be discouraging people going in that direction. Homosexual activity is a much greater health hazard than smoking.”

Piece of ■■■■.


What hymns of praise this man has sung to that over the years. No sex is sacred. No sex is an offering to Christ. No sex proves our first love is to God and not one another. No sex releases energy and spirit for the service of man. No sex leaves the heart undivided. No sex makes each priest another Christ called to spiritual paternity through the sacraments.

That sort of stuff impressed John Paul II and Benedict XVI immensely, but Francis takes a rather more jaundiced view. “Behind rigidity something always lies hidden,” he said. “In many cases, a double life.”

The world can now know that a little over 20 years ago, in Pell’s first months as archbishop of Melbourne, this scourge of sex was forcing choirboys to suck his ■■■■■.

Bolt has really picked the wrong hill to die on.

Oxygen thief.


Henry the VIIIth, in spite of overseeing the death of several of his wives, was the originator of CTEXIT ( Catholic Church EXIT). It was his smartest move that has benefited the children of England over the last 3 centuries.

In a brilliant assessment ( any fool could work this out) of the nature of the hormone driven sexual beast that is man, Henry allowed the ministers of the Church of England to take a wife.

Is it any wonder that the Catholic church is the fount of religious sex abuse, and there are just a few perves in the other religions allowing their ministers to take wives.

There’s still an appeal in the works. Long way to go yet.


Check out @MarkDiStef’s Tweet:

Room for two?

Most certainly.