Photos you‘ve taken

another phone pic :slight_smile:

Yes so that’s 3 people who know more than me so far
.Here’s the winning photo

Holy shitballs Batman…

That’s an amazing photo !

Yes so that's 3 people who know more than me so far .Here's the winning photo

Deserves to win purely for being willing to sneak into an alien monsters throat for a photo.

Living up to the sign…

Well my photos feel insignificant now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Great selfie Sal!

Great selfie Sal!

Setting up the tripod and working out the 10 second timer after 11 stubbies was a dedicated undertaking, I can assure you.

OOOPS dropped a portable hard drive 1TB 3/4 full of photos computer thinks it is now a local disc .
All photos that i have edited on another drive … I am awaiting coroners ( IT Tech) report for I fear the worse
27/11/2015 update …Well the tech report was not a report at all didn’t do anything so no charge .
Soooo I went surfing the net .used CHKDSK to localise the problem ,the drive is in Raw format have to convert it to a readable file system [not canon raw or nikon nef files.expect some more news next week .sit tight don’t panic.

Oh oh, best of luck CB.

Typical adolescent male. Kept us awake half the night with his carrying on and now reckons he can sleep all day.

That ne’erdowell @Koala .

When we bought our house the previous owners left this plant in a pot. My wife planted it and this is the first year it has flowered. Took nearly 2 decades but worth the wait I think.

I think it's some sort of Sempervivum.



I can't tell you what it is but I've got a whole front yard full of those ■■■■■■■.

Its an Aoenium. Possibly undulatum.

Does anyone here still actually print their photos?

Does anyone here still actually print their photos?
That would be me Sir.
Does anyone here still actually print their photos?

Sometimes. I have an 18x24 inch print of the Bendigo cathedral that i got done as a test. Never got it framed though, costs a ■■■■■■ fortune at that size!

I didn’t think anyone printed photos any more.

You get a tattoo of your kids and or current flame.

Or whatever tickles your fancy.

Although I think it’d sting a fair bit if your fancy got inked.

It’s hard to find a good photo lab these days. Not just some jerk doing his job, but someone who cares about what you’re printing.

Does anyone here still actually print their photos?
I just remembered,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its not a photo till it's printed,its either a digital image or a negative pedantic I know but just reporting the facts as I see them.
Does anyone here still actually print their photos?


I use RGB Digital. Based in QLD so if you’re in VIC like I am the courier cost is not cheap. But I’ve never had an issue with them.

For books, I’ve been using blurb and found people (if I do weddings) have always loved them.