Political Correctness

And to preempt the answer, don’t use the Jordan Peterson argument of “are you saying men and women aren’t different? You must be crazy”.

Of course Men and Women are different both physically and physiologically. You can’t ignore basic science.

The question is why these differences predicate success? Is being disagreeable really an indicator of success or is society just geared to rewarding that behaviour irrespective of the outcome.

Men are more naturally aggressive, hence you’ll find more male than female martial artists. Female martial artists are also disagreeable, but because there are fewer ‘disagreeable’ females (or atleast the intensity is lower), that manifests in terms of numbers.

I believe the same can be said of politicians. When you think of female politicians, they tend to have what you would typically characterise as being masculine traits. They’ve got “balls”.

Women, on the other hand, are better at relating to people and are naturally more empathetic. Nursing, psychology, social services, flight attendants etc are mostly comprised of women for this reason.

No, it answers the question it deserves. It avoids the ridiculous notion that half of the workforce is being shut out

That’s ok, however don’t forget the uproar when people had to pay just 15c for a plastic bag.

I don’t quite get what you’re trying to ask mate.

There certainly are jobs that one gender may excel at, due to gender traits. I’ll use an example, women are on average better and more suited than men to the early childhood education area.

They are on average, more caring, understanding, loving and patient with children than men. If you don’t agree with that, there is endless research online that talks about different traits attributed to men and women.

Would you ask why do we as a society use these traits (more caring, understanding, loving and patient with children) as an indicator of what makes a good kindergarten teacher?

I don’t think we do. I think we have come to realise that they excel at that job because of those particular traits.

Is that what you mean?

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And what has that got to do with stopping tax rorts?
Anyway, what am I doing…

So much utter bullshiit in this thread.


lol everyone seems to have such strong opinions on this.

100s of studies about global warming trends = “listen to the experts everyone!”
100s of studies on gender pay gaps = “well gee I dunno because [anecdote]”


No, that is true. We had one of those “team building” seminars cheap and where they had blue, green and red “thinkers”
Blue were more of the caring and nurturing bosses, red were the upfront and confrontational bosses and green were the analytical types who used facts. The facilitator at the time said that most of the women they had done this (about 80%) were in the blue zone.

Was talking about an extra cost being passed on to the consumer

Martial artists, really! But if that’s a relevant category, Rhonda Rousey is more successful than all martial artists bar Connor.

And yet everyone complains politics is broken. Recently several female liberal party members complained about the culture in the party. Is it that you’ve to have the right “traits” to succeed in politics, or is the culture so broken and backwards that good people with plenty to offer are turned off by the nonsense that goes on.

I’d argue there are more female nurses and flight attendants becuase that’s how it’s allways been. Probably more an indication of male ego not wanting to do historically female things. Are their studies that compare male nurse outcomes vs female, I.e is empathy a critical factor in health care.


Probably because many of us work in workplaces with a diverse workforce so have some opinion on this. Not many on here I doubt are scientists working in regards to the climate

I don’t know if it’s so much, ‘I disagree because anecdote.’
I’m just not sure of the specific problems and solutions.
Are we putting everyone on award rates now?
Are we saying you have to even if you don’t want to?

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I know this.

IF there were an Australian Bank that was only and exclusively run by Women, … I would move everything over to it in a nano second, … same would go for a Superfund,and Insurance.


A lot of people are unaware of this very significant event in Iceland, after the GFC …

Well yeah, because if they display any of the other traits they get dismissed as being cold ■■■■■ instead of strong or tough or whatever other stupid adjectives get used for R Lee Ermey stypes

Footballers - end thread.

So now you’re generalising?

I’ve done that exact training.

I thought a key message was that all 3 types are just as important. It’s the awareness of what type you are and how to relate and maximise the output of other types that is important. Not that one type is better than the other, just different.

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Ok I’m with you there. As I’ve said before, quotas are the best we have for now, even though they’re far from a great solution. There’s generations of bias to break down here so there’s no silver bullet.

However there’s still a great number of people who don’t even acknowledge that it’s a thing. That’s who I’m pointing at.

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Didn’t say that, was just replying to deckham who said it was bullshit that women are more caring in nature.

FTR my “managing style” was in the blue-green section. (At the time, 5 years ago)

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