Political Correctness

Sure. But I don’t think he’s saying anything particularly radical.

Unless you think the pay gap is solely due to sexism?

Yes, lets discount his views based on his race and gender… because discrimination?

Makes sense.


It would certainly be interesting to see what happened if all the sexism was removed and we observed what was left.

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A Personality Psychologist (Agreeableness being one of the Big 5 traits) who openly claims how destructive Political Correctness is. I’m not suggesting it is so within this thread but he attracts a lot of the worst kind of Alt-Right fanboys.

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Yep. That’s his thing.
Absolutely should be ignored.

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You’re right.

I’ll dismiss them because he’s a twat


There are elements of political correctness that are absolutely ludicrous…a lot more that are fair and reasonable.


Hmmm…ok… from wiki:

The alt - right , or alternative right , is a loosely connected and somewhat ill- defined grouping of white supremacists/white nationalists, white separatists, anti-semites, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists and other far- right fringe hate groups.

I haven’t heard him say anything that would link him with the above.

From what I can see every Jordan Peterson interview on youtube is someone trying to make out that he’s sexist or whatever, and him explaining “no that’s not what I said”.

For example, he’s not happy that, on the surface, the Canadian government is legislating that trans people be referred to in a certain way. So people call him a bigot. He has explained that if any trans person would like to be referred to as “insert pronoun here” he would be happy to comply, but that his beef is they are legislating against speech, which has other implications, and that this is going too far.

He might have some fanboi’s that miss his points, but I’d be interested to hear him say anything that’s actually radical or alt-right rather than being mis-quoted.

He’s an adult intellectual who is trying to have adult conversations about serious topics, political correctness being one of them. I actually think he leans left, he’s just calling out the extreme lefties.


Everyone does.


Re: Peterson

yeah ok mate


Issue is people just do what you have just done (i.e. invalidate someone’s opinion due to being white and/or male), and not actually debate the issue at hand, or address the points they’ve made.

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Wouldn’t it be a fantastic world if people put as much effort into trying to understand another person’s point of view - assist them with it, even, as they do in trying to score points in debates?

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Ok I’ll try with Peterson.

I don’t hate him, he’s very smart and the majority of his stuff is educated and rational. I’ve listened to many of his interviews.

On women in the workforce I believe he has created a straw man. @wannabe got to the thrust of his argument.

Men are more disagreeable than women - proven

Doesn’t this explain the gender gap and we aren’t sexist - conjecture but this is the straw man.

Vast majority of the constructive debate aren’t running around yelling sexist. Sure they probably exist in the feminist department. But the majority of business isn’t. What they are saying is the worst of sexism is behind us(I’d say true). What left now is the unconscious biases, it’s not some malignent aggressive sexism but hidden bias that systematically disadvantage women.

In a way Peterson is actually arguing for the existence of bias even though he’s trying to fool you that the gender gap has been debunked.

Yes Men are more disagreeable, yes this leads to higher pays, through as others have said more aggressive negotiation for one. But the correct interpretation isn’t to say it’s not sexist so why bother. In my mind it’s to ask why do we value an attribute that stacks the deck against women when in general it has no link to actual work performance.

An analogy is the aboriginal debate. Many argue it is remote communities that cause disadvantages not racism. I’d argue why does it matter if it’s racist or not, we know the problem let’s try to fix it.


Disagreeable to who?


Their wives! :stuck_out_tongue:

No it’s just a physiological trait. Men on average are more aggressive/argumentative than women. Testosterone and competition for the girl, all that fun biology stuff.

In my mind vastly overrated as an indicator of anything.

I agree with the premise - from a shallow stand point. But nothing is simple. What makes aggression disagreeable? Can aggression be attractive? To who? Why?
This is why I don’t debate online.


For millions of years it served its evolutionary service.

A strong Male can provide more food and keep you safe. This was needed for the vast majority of human existence. It makes sense that this is attractive to a potential mate firstly, but also valued in society as you can help the tribe too.

It’s ingrained in us to like the Alpha male on some level.

But we have kinda progressed as society since hunter gatheres. I think we are enlightened enough to not use it as an excuse for the gender pay gap.

It obviously is very appealing to some though. You know, men hunt, women stay home types.

So in a way, are you saying that corporate/businesses indirectly see their work as ‘the hunt’, and see traditional ‘hunters’ as more beneficial to ‘the kill’ than traditional ‘nurturers & carers’ would be, and therefore, may subconsciously lean towards the more aggressive, or at least the potentially more aggressive ‘hunting mate’?

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Yep, that’s it.

The age actually had a good article today on why this is bad business not just sexism.