Political Correctness



There were 3 people Iā€™ve legit never heard of. A lot of the coin is from recurring TV royalties.

When an Indian American ex SNL writer Nimesh Patel dude gets kicked off stage for an ā€œinappropriateā€ joke at Columbia University. Universities, the sactuary of free speech hahaha

And thereā€™s people in this thread who pretend like these over the top SJW arenā€™t impacting modern western society.

Dude got the joke about gay black men from a gay black man.

A gig in a student union. Itā€™s hardly comparable to modern western society.

The people who get riled up about this I doubt have ever been to student union building. They have allways been radical and weird. And allways has very little impact on any part of the real world.

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If I could be bothered Iā€™d find the clip of Rogan and Burr discussing how uni/college gigs are considered the worst gigs possible by comedians. You bomb, thereā€™s no one there and you get paid peanuts.


Is it this one? Iā€™ve listened to Bill rant so much lately that the clips have rolled into one.

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Crowd is clearly mixed and there are walkouts over the interruption, not the comedian.
Again, though, why you seek out this stuffā€¦

Why do you watch?

How can you take uni students seriously - Think of their everyday behaviour when a lack of respect is show towards certain groups of people and their gross behaviour, particularly initiation rites when you start uni - Hypocricsy at its best.

No initiation rites when i went to uni.

Get your head out of your ā– ā– ā– ā– , for ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€™s sake.


Uni - the dawn of hackysack

I wanted to hear the joke.

I like Bill Burr. Not much of a Rogan fan though.

Edit & Caveat: Iā€™ve only really heard his stand-up. His straight-up chatting away ā€¦not so much.

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Iā€™m with you there.

Rogan canā€™t handle anyone being anti pot legalisation. Itā€™s almost embarrassing watching how emotional he gets in a debate on the topic.

Iā€™m a person that sees ā€˜greyā€™ everywhere. Nothing is black & white to me. I find it difficult to trust anyone that is the opposite.


I donā€™t think itā€™s being part of the PC brigade like Bogut is saying to suggest that they beep over swearing in time outs in NBL games when kids are watching the games.

If thatā€™s being overtly PC crazy, then Iā€™m done.

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Thatā€™s my problem with this whole topic, all these SJW and RWNJ seem to think itā€™s completly black and white.

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Joe Rogan is one of the few social commentators that gives equal airspace to both sides of debates, which in todayā€™s age is rare.

So what if heā€™s get upset about things that he feels passionate about, heā€™s the same when people talk down bow hunting.

With that being said being against legal pot and bow hunting is a silencing of free speech and polical correctness gone mad.

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