PSA - there's still a year left this decade

That’s the way I’d look at it too. There’s the millennium, and then there’s the 20’s, 30’s etc.

No-one argues about the nervous 90’s. You get your hundredth run, you’re celebrating.

A decade is 10 years. You can pick whatever starting point you like, 10 years on from there, and that’s the end of that decade, and you can label that decade whatever the hell you like.

Eg December 26, 2029 is the last day of the decade that I label, “a decade from the day this piece of ■■■■ thread came in to existence”

Yes 2020 is the end of the 202nd decade since the (seemingly approximate) birth of some bloke Jesus Christ, which someone decided to pick as an arbitrary point in time to start as year 1.

And yes 2019, is the end of an equally arbitrary decade that people refer to as the 10s.

It’s quite ironic the OP can be critical of those who fail to understand the former, yet can’t grasp the latter.


I think OP is just sitting back having a giggle, tbh.

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So what’s a goblin then?

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They skip row 13 on a plane so if you are sitting in the row numbered 14 then you are actually sitting in the 13th row which is REALLY REALLY BAD apparently.

Not sure who is who in this…


I saw the title of this thread and started to tell @bugman5 there was a thread right up his alley, then saw he started it. ■■■■■■■ pedant.


Is being 21 a big deal because you have been alive for two decades?

Uh? You’ve been alive 21 years. As soon as the birthday ticks over, you’re in your 22nd year.

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Unless you’re from South Korea

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Happy millennium to all.


another decade of mediocrity at essington has begun, cant wait

Happy Beta everyone


Bugman is wrong I’m pretty sure. The Julian calendar counted the day after it elapsed. The first day of this year is the first day of a new decade, which will be counted at the of this year as 1 year past. Yes they didn’t start on year 1, but it does start on day one.

The calendar doesn’t start 1/1/0001 true, but it does start on 1/1/0000. Each day signified how many days had elapsed since the beginning of that year.

There’s no zeroth year in much the same way as there is no zeroth day or month.

Or, there’s no such thing as 01/01/0000 in the same way it’s not 00/00/2019 today.

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Happy New Year David J Richardson

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This discussion is so last decade

Wonder where pasza. is today

Happy new decade Buggy boy.


One year too late