Reminders you're getting old

This conversation reminds me of when I went and saw Springsteen at The Showgrounds back in 1985.

A heap of the crowd were there because of Born in the USA…they sang along lustily to hit after hit…and then he sang a track from an earlier album…the newbies didn’t recognise it.

That’s you in this conversation…all agog with the sparkly hits and unable to see the greatness that is Born To Run.

But you were probably too young to appreciate Born to Run :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Love the snark.
But I have both on vinyl and Run gathers dust while Live and USA gets Regular spinnage.

Edit: actually, Nebraska gets more turntable time.

Serious comment though mate…I know that you’re a bit younger than me (possibly a fair bit younger) and so Born in the USA was quite possibly your intro to Springsteen…it is a great album…but Born To Run will always be his best…it was such an outstanding album for the time…and it was when he still viewed America through a positive lens.

By the time he got to Born In The USA, he had come to realise that America had many, many flaws…and the songs are representative of that.

(And that’s the link…you like USA because it’s negative…just like you like all that negative crap from Roger Waters :rofl: )

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The song Born In The USA at least deserves some credit for inspiring the Coodabeens’ outstanding 80s parody “Drunk At The MCG”.


I’m not sure anything he’s done has been particularly positive.
And nor is BITUSA.
Yes. I was in my formative years when BITA hit and every album he’d ever released hit the top 50.

I was watching the NFL draft last week, and they were picking players who were born in 2003.

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We’ll be drafting players this year who were born in 2006!


Do you think they will see an EFC finals win in their lifetime?

This year will mark 20 since I heard the heavy metal song where I was like “■■■■ yeah gimme more of that”.

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We’ve got people at work born in 2003 with physio degrees lol.

I had lunch today with 3 ex-students and one of them is talking about retiring already. There was also much talk about pensions and taxes, etc.


Playing baseball yesterday and I was pitching, and on the 3rd pitch of the game the hammy on my left leg goes ‘twang’ when I plant my foot in my delivery stride. Something I have done thousands of times before and never had a problem. Probably looking at 3 weeks out and probably no pitching for a few more after that. Was having a pretty good season up until now as well…


Blitz tells you that your account is old enough to drink in the US.


Just dropped oldest child off for work experience. Kind of a surreal feeling.


My 18 yr old daughter is pregnant


Wow. Happy?

I think ive come to the realisation that feeling old isnt actually the sensation of ageing, its realising that all the things you thought wouldn’t happen to you, like turning 18, finishing uni, getting a job, turning 30, having a kid… all do actually happen.

next milestone is 40. thats grim.


I’m 43 and I don’t feel old at all and am living my best life. I have had a dodgy ankle for a few weeks but that too shall pass.

Very happy ill be a 49yr grandad
Ive already started buying baby bomber stuff.


You’re ancient. My mum was 36!