Reminders you're getting old

Actually it really is a good test as you get older. Another is to stand on one foot for more than 10 seconds, I do it when having a pee sometimes. If you are having trouble doing this you may have some neurological issues going on.

Especially with your eyes closed. Apparently a great test of physical age.

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Sounds like a Pro Grade test to me.
Let’s modify it a tad…

Peeing on 1 leg in the dark in the dead of night (so the joints aren’t properly lubricated).

Alternate legs each time :ok_hand:

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(Actually other than needing reading glasses, my eyes are the one thing that not getting worse).

Also fixed


Bumped into that bloke at a bar on Chapel Street close to 20 years ago.

A (drunken) mate of mine yelled “FUGGEN STINGRAY!!! YOU BROKE OUT OF PRISON!!!”

Fair to say he was confused, but then burst out laughing.

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Mine must be something similar.

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I was on BomberTalk for a couple of years before the club closed it down, probably due to Henneman abuse and moved over about 2001.

In 2000, a guy called LloydIsKing thought we were going to lose every single week.


Happy clappers.

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Only one possible response to that.

Why Would you do something like that .

He’s trying to trick you into peeing all over your bathroom floor.


Oh man. Too late.

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Yeah, I totally didn’t try it.

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Don’t be ignorant :wink:

“Typically, a person in their 50s should be able to balance on one leg for around 40 seconds. Someone in their 60s is looking at 20 seconds, and someone in their 70s is around 10 seconds,” Lubetzky continued. “Static balance is a multidimensional issue and there are numerous causes, such as neurological disease, orthopedic issues, vision, spatial issues, a sedentary lifestyle, reaction time, cognition, and other health problems. If it is difficult to balance on one leg, you should think about your overall health and fitness.”

In those that failed, there was a higher proportion of people who were obese, had heart disease, high blood pressure, or unhealthy blood fat profiles. Type 2 diabetes was three times more common in this group.

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People were negative in 2000? Thats sad

Who ? Melbourne supporters ?

There has always been negative people and polar of that needs the idea of something being negative, otherwise the positive would not exist

22 years on Blitz for me.

Was on BomberTalk and BigFooty before that. I left BigFooty pretty early on; it was fine until the Collingwood trash showed up one day and destroyed it. Haven’t posted there in probably 20 years. Stuck my head in during the saga and regretted it immediately.

Bombertalk just kinda fizzled out.

About the same length of time for me as well.