Vigo Slotentini
Big Vigo
There is a player in there
Bloody nice kick
Classy crumbing finish from ADJ
We’re seeing Tsatas’ pace and burst today.
Tsatas clearance kick led to that ADJ goal
Good collect and finish from alwyn
That’s what a small mid is meant to do.
(yes, I know Jayden is nominally more that role)
Tsatas bursts out, to Jedwab who knocks down to Alwyn. He steps around the contest and scores.
Great forward pressure from VIGO allows Setters to win a htb on the 50 and slots a goal.
3 in a row!
Setters playing well
He looks fantastic.
We should all pray his kicking sorts out because we have a Dangerfield type if it does.
On fire here
Lining up for our 4th in 5 minutes
ARC would have paid us that mark.
Tstas 21 possies
And 8 clearances
and Parish and Hobbs.