Robin Williams Dead

was a awesome actor. Could play any type of role.


Shocked to hear it. Depression is such a crippling illness

This just shows you that even the most outrageously funny people can be hurting inside. Very sad news.

I'm sad. So many great memories. Rest in Peace one of the greatest beings to ever exist. 

Holy Fark!

■■■■■■ depression doesn’t discriminate or care who you are.

RIP to a very talented man. :frowning:

The world is a lot less funny from today

RIP Robin

Vale Williams.

I was chatting to my wife, and it’s shattering moreso, as we grew up with his movies…

Will be sorely missed.

Was the absolute best.



■■■■. thats no good.

Where were you when Robin Williams died?


“I don‘t recall."

Love this movie

What was the one where he played the freaky photo processing bloke?

Life can be difficult. And for some it becomes impossible... no matter who or what they have around them it doesn't help.


I don't do vale posts, but I will say that he was an excellent actor. Drama or comedy he was gifted - Moscow On The Hudson and Mrs Doubtfire two favourites.

What was the one where he played the freaky photo processing bloke?

One hour photo.
He was creepy as hell in that.

Made everyone other than himself happy

What was that one where he played a freaky bloke who was pusued by Al Pacino's detective character?

What was that one where he played a freaky bloke who was pusued by Al Pacino's detective character?


He was alright at freaky.

I'll be honest with you, I've never seen Good Morning, Vietnam, Dead Poets Society or Good Will Hunting.


But I have seen plenty of Mork n Mindy.