Round 18 Non Essendon Games

Deep breath… Hold… Repeat.

Syd 49
StK 20

Freo 19
Haw 27

Hawks kicked the first 4 but have stopped

Excellent advice.

Syd 50
StK 20

Fre 21
Haw 42

Well played Ballantyne

Diggers is going to be a very happy man with Sydney winning. I guess Saints don’t wanna play finals.

Sydney didn’t get the email asking they homorainbow their numbers.

Gees. Good mark from Towers.

Heeney had an hour to kick that.

Goal review: Boo!

Happy? I’m buying a membership on Monday to guarantee GF tickets!

That’s on the full, mate.

C’mon, Carlisle… Pushed off way too easily.

You’re buying a Sydney membership? I thought you were already a member?


I’ve got a FRANKLIN! membership.

Reg is a star.

Jakey just jogging around

He just floored FRANKLIN!

Sydney deserved to get punished for that.