Round 8 other games

Given China’s population is 1.4 billion or whatever, I expect no less than a 350,000 crowd today at the Shanghai Cricket Ground.

I expect the Chinese suburban equivalent of Robbo, Macca and Nugget to come out of the woodwork and hurl abuse at the maggots and “chewy on yer boot” in blue Mandarin or Kochie can chuck his mid season networking, sponsorship junket to the pile as those end of season ones from 20 years ago.

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Cmon fold coast. Ruin that d ickhead Koch’s fabricated dream!


How do you say Judas ■■■■ in Chinese?


It’s like watching a combination broadcast of the footy and Getaway.

Number 4


Kochie invented China


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Really belting out the Chinese national anthem. Did I just hear the first few bars of Port’s song instead of Advance Australi Fair?

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Lol they played ports team song instead of the Australian national anthem

Kochie trying to take over clearly

Is this kochie trying to overthrow the Chinese government?

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Yep. Him and the cash cow.


Hearing Boom Crash Opera ‘Best Thing’ over a PA whilst in China, would be a thing I’d like to add to my bucket list.

You can stick yer Great Wall.

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Hardly a full house as they were they trying to suggest it would be.

98% of the crowd are expats and tourists. Yeah this will really expose the game in China yeah kochie you wank pheasant

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Only Bruce could get mildly excited about the first official behind ever kicked in China.

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Crowd numbers pathetic for a city that has more people than the whole of Australia.

Surprised the AFL didn’t look to give away plenty just to ensure full stadium.

It was clevvvvvver wasn’t it? Thanks Hame

Gee it was speeeecial.