Russia invades Ukraine - 4 - from 14 March 2023

Notes of a soldier from the #Zaporizhzhya direction:

• Intensity of the battles is extremely high, the infantry goes through hell

• Enemy prepared for the defense well in all means

• Course of the offensive was negatively and significantly affected by the rains

• I have never seen such intensive work of our artillery

• Liberation of territories happens every day, even if the advances are insignificant and they are given at a very high price

• Unfortunately, interaction with adjacent units leaves much to be desired


The google English translation of full transcript of Putin’s meeting with war correspondents is quite readable and I read it all to try and understand what Putin wants the Russian milbloggers to be saying.

Much too long for others less interested and hard to summarize.

No direct reference to the open insurrection from Prighozin, Strelkov etc. Does claim that mobilization and martial law are not necessary “at present”.

Clear focus on presenting the war as a new normal that the regime will just keep on working hard to resolve problems as they come up.

Seems very different from the impression I get from occasional glimpses here of how it is being presented by the milbloggers and by State TV.

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Unpaywalled full article from Economist has lots of background on Ukrainian air defense

Presumably to prevent short range fire from Ukrainians getting up close and personal to the defensive lines eg mortars?

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Fingers crossed for a significant breakthrough but I think things get harder rather than easier from here


The #Ukrainian strike west of #Berdyansk in the town of Prymorsk reportedly targeted a military base of Chechens and may have killed one of #Kadyrov’s main guys. Roughly 200 were based there.


Thanks! This link from that thread provides direct access to frequently updated detailed layered maps and their data, that should be the main source for showing fortifications in relation to terrain, transport routes and order of battle etc.

Slow for browsing but I would recommend using it for anybody drawing lines on maps to put as images here, with links to the underlying map that the lines were added to. Could also be worth spreading to the tweet threads that show such sketches.

Layer data provided in KML format that can be used with software like QGIS that provides free professional GIS desktop as used by professional journalists, (not to mention US intelligence agencies like NSA and NGA who provide a lot of the open source software and ingest a lot of the data enhanced by users of it).


The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine says that they have boats, the people and the supplies ready to help the flood civilians in occupied Russian territory , but they need Russian guarantees of safety on the front line to cross the Dnieper.
Supplies and other assistance are being delivered in the Ukraine held region.
I don’t suppose that message is being relayed to civilians in the Russian occupied territories or within Russia. There are stories that only those with Russian passports are being helped.

Would love to see what it looks like a bit further east from here, with this low water level:

Could be a cheeky way round the minfields and fortifications in a few weeks. Just a quick circuit to get to Vasylivka


Russia accusing Ukraine of using the grain corridor to launch naval drones, contrary to the agreement of a military free corridor.

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It’d be pretty muddy/silty though yeah?



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Agreed, absolutely, a deep bog right now.

But if RU are busy for the next month and have no opportunity to fortify/mine the area, plus there is hot/dry weather, could it dry out enough for tracked vehicles to pass? I’d love to think so.

Al Jazeera is citing Russian sources for the death of Vladimir Goryachev, COS of the Russian 35th Army, on the Zaporizhia front.

Yes, reported yesterday.

I’m sure we all remember the Australian dams during the drought around 2008. Once the water receded and the place dried out it just became a 4WD playground. I’d expect Ukraine to have a similar result, after the rotting fish have stopped stinking up the place.

Kadyrov panicking about the welfare of Delimkhanov.

All a bit bizarre.


Volya reporting that :

brutal fighting taking place in more or less a stalemate over last two days.

Ukr encircled Pologi , but Russia counterattacked and broke the ring. Ukr likely to go again when Russian counter exhausts itself.

Rus Counter attack on Staromylnkovka failed.

Losses on both sides heavy, claimed sources are from respective command headquarters as little info emerges from front line sources. Ukr killed or missing estimated at 5,000, 16,000 wounded. Russia have lost contact with 11,000 and estimate 22,000 wounded. Russian front line units do not always report local loss numbers.

Very high mortality for Russian wounded, unable to evacuate , wounded to killed ratio is guessed at 2:1 .

Ukr extracting wounded but field hospitals are under pressure.

Russia now committing reserves from Crimea in attempt to recapture lost towns / halt advance. Previously Russian HQ had held them back.

Ukr offensive is wide ranging and co-ordinated , probing and looking for weak points, the main thrust when it comes will not necessarily be the “NATO” battalions, but a big proportion of battle hardened troops and Soviet era donated armour from Euro countries.


And yet even more bizarre
Prigozhin being accused In working with Ukrainians in targeting him!