Russia invades Ukraine - 4 - from 14 March 2023

“The bizarre situation with Adam Delimkhanov appears to be connected to a number of outcries in Z-channels today complaining about Russian commanders concentrating infantry near the frontline. The reports seem to suggest that a HIMARS arrived at a location near Kreminna recently, killing hundreds of Russians preparing for an assault against Ukrainian positions, and Delimkhanov could be among the wounded.

Here are some excerpts from Russian channels:

Starshe Eddy, 8:46AM:

“If by the middle of the second year of the war there are commanders who take columns to the front and concentrate all personnel in one big pile, and wait for the enemy artillery to strike, then such commanders must be shot before in front of the formation, even if they are colonels or even generals.”

Crybar, 8:52AM:

"It was near Kremennaya, a tragic incident occurred in one of the divisions that were about to go on the offensive.

For two hours people stood in a crowd in one place and waited for the division commander to say his motivating speech.

But instead of him, the HIMARS MLRS and enemy artillery had their say.

In the South Donetsk direction, in a few days there were fewer casualties in the battles than from the criminal stupidity of the division commander."

Dva Mayora, 9:15AM

"B*tch, you shouldn’t stay in a column for two hours in one place! What are you doing, father commanders? You are commanding people!

Will they prosecute bloggers again instead of the degenerates with high ranks?

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have no merit in this war. We are at war with our own stupidity and lack of care, mixed up with positive reports."

Voyenniy Osvedomitel, 9:23AM:

"Let’s add that the people responsible for this have already managed to “become famous” in other areas more than once. And not only the division commander but also his immediate superior.

However, instead of bearing responsibility, comrades degenerals continued to selflessly occupy key army positions.

The result was not long in coming. Should we expect punishment for them this time, or will it all happen again? For us, this question is, alas, rhetorical."

Some seem to point at a general related to the infamous 155th Banzai Marine Brigade which was demolished in Pavlivka last November, as the culprit of the incident. The general’s name is Sukhrab Akhmedov.

Regardless of any involvement of Delimkhanov in the incident, the strike could be another great victory for Ukrainians.”


UKR needs special equipment for that task.

FCFC should donate their old hovercraft.


Venevitin is the Russian Colonel who Wagner took hostage , and who has accused Wagner of crimes against the Russian army.

Reports about Delimkhanov vary. Some suggest the Kreminna strike was a seperate incident, and that Delimkhanov’s transport convoy was shelled elsewhere. It’s also quite bizarre that the Russian Duma has stated that he’s alive, but Kadyrov has no idea what’s happened or how.

Either way, it’s excellent that Ukr are finding targets well behind Russian lines, and it’d be nice if a Storm Shadow found its way to the Palace in Grozny. The world will improve immeasurably without some of these evil ■■■■■■.


Russia Doubles Trained Dolphins Defending Base Against Ukrainian Attacks

The threat of Ukraine’s elite special forces divers must loom large in the minds of the Russian Navy. As well as extensive anti-torpedo nets and rocket launchers, Russia has increased the trained dolphins guarding Sevastopol in Crimea.

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Hasn’t been a great couple of days for Russian commanders. Again. Chief of Staff of 35th Combined Army killed, commander of same Army rumoured wounded, a swag of staff officers probably taken out with them, and now Delimkhanov killed or wounded, likely with some Chechen henchmen too.

Plus, in the background, undoubtedly a civil war between Russian ministry of defence leaders and Prighozin that, one way or another, is going to explode shortly with both sides calling for executions. Astonishing.





It actually doesn’t matter whether Venevitin is correct or not. Just by voicing it publicly, Russia is now fighting itself, and Ukraine.


In just one week

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Lol !

Meanwhile, Apty Alaudinov, commander of the Akhmat special forces, told TASS that Adam Delimkhanov is alive and in Chechnya.

“The injuries sustained are not serious, he will recover quickly.”

So he’s relatively unharmed and in his own country, though Russian army sources think he was shelled at Prigozhins plotting, but Kadyrov has no idea where he is or why he can’t contact him and publicly offers Ukr Intelligence a reward to help him!!? What a farce.

Stand by for various videos and public sightings of someone who they’ll claim is Delimkhanov.


NATO membership currently off the table due to the active war, but locked in weapons supply, financial and training supply is being signed by US, UK, France & Germany.

The US and its closest allies are pursuing a multilateral agreement with Ukraine that will allow western powers to provide long-term security assurances to Kyiv, in lieu of a concrete promise of Nato membership for the war-torn country. The so-called Quad — the US, UK, Germany and France — is working on an overarching political declaration with Ukraine, according to officials who declined to be identified given the sensitivity of the talks. They said that, under the umbrella declaration, Ukraine would conclude bilateral agreements formalising the current level of military and financial aid — and establish it on a more long-term footing with space to expand it if deemed necessary. But neither the framework document nor the bilateral agreements would have the status of legal treaties and they would be signed outside the Nato alliance. Discussions are ongoing and a deal could be reached before Nato’s summit in Vilnius next month, officials said, while cautioning that there was no formal agreement between the western countries on a timeline. A US official declined to “go into private diplomatic conversations” but said the Biden administration was in talks with Ukraine and its allies on “how we can reassure Ukraine about their long-term security to deter any future aggression after this war ends”. “We are advancing this goal by providing the support Ukraine needs now on the battlefield and helping them strengthen their military over [the] long term,” the official added. The Quad’s offer falls far short of Ukraine’s demands for Nato membership or some form of timeline for that, which would bring Kyiv under the alliance’s Article 5 mutual defence pledge. Ahead of the Vilnius summit, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had demanded a road map for Ukraine’s Nato accession as well as security guarantees for his country. But western officials are wary of dangling the prospect of Nato membership before a country that is still at war. Alliance members cannot at this stage pledge to go to war on Ukraine’s behalf with a nuclear power like Russia, should it be attacked again, officials said. “We don’t take in countries with an open border dispute, and ones that are, in the case of Ukraine, in a full-scale war,” said one. “It’s the wrong time to talk about Nato membership [for Ukraine].” Officials say that the discussion about Nato membership for Ukraine obscures the more pressing need for bolstering Kyiv’s defences against Russia. They say the focus of western countries should be on providing the necessary weapons, as well as financial and political support, to both repel the invasion and deter future threats from Moscow. Recommended Fergus Drake Ukraine’s war on corruption is vital for its future A senior western official said Germany was in discussion with Ukraine about the idea of a multilateral framework agreement and acknowledged that it fell short of their demands. “They’re aware that the support they’re receiving is remarkable in scope and duration but when you’re at war it’s never enough,” he added. “It’s important that we all recognise as Nato members that President Zelenskyy is under political pressure himself,” said UK defence secretary Ben Wallace on Tuesday. “He needs to show to his people that at Vilnius, if he isn’t offered Nato membership, what has he managed to secure?” “That’s perfectly understandable for a president leading a country at war. And those discussions are ongoing behind the scenes across many, many countries,” Wallace told reporters. “What is it that the international community or Nato members can do to provide reassurance and resilience for Ukraine and indeed long-term planning to help make sure Ukraine is invested in or supported to deter Russia after this conflict,” Wallace added. “I think many of those things can be done before and during the Vilnius summit.”


As opposed to what we have ben told was THE Quad that had us in it…?

How many Quad US get?

Four. A quad QUAD.


They must have been jealous of that bloke who played for us who widely praised for his massive quads.

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Reminds me of this Editorial Cartoon, which at the time I thought was a bit harsh


This is massive news by the sounds of it


Tass gets the prize for finding one today!

Click for curious details

I looked up that name in Tass english and found this timestamped today:

Military operation in Ukraine

14 Jun, 08:22

Chechen soldiers to be involved in preventing acts of sabotage in Belgorod Region

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Soldiers of the Russian defense ministry’s West-Akhmat battalion will be engaged to prevent acts of sabotage by Ukrainian troops in border areas of Russia’s Belgorod Region, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said on Tuesday.

“At my instruction, my dear brother, member of the State Duma (lower house of Russia’s parliament - TASS), Hero of Russia Adam Delimkhanov met with Belgorod Region governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, representatives of the defense ministry and the leadership of the regional directorate of the National Guard Service. The agenda included issues of cooperation in order to prevent acts of sabotage by armed groups of Ukrainian Nazis in border areas. Soldiers of the Russian defense ministry’s West-Akhmat battalion will be involved in these efforts along with other Russian units,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to Kadyrov, the authorities of the two regions have already elaborated effective measures to enhance security in border territories.

“I am sure that bearing in mind the high combat capacities of the West-Akhmat battalion these goals will be easily attained,” he added.

I checked Tass translation of telegram report with Google API and it seems accurate, omits possibly uninteresting final para:

I thank Adam Sultanovich, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard for high -quality joint work to protect the residents of the border regions of the Belgorod region from criminal encroachments by the Ukrainian junta.I wish you good luck to the fighters of the West Ahmat battalion in their further work!

Curious that Tass is reporting announcements by Kadyrov Telegram channel that contradict earlier item from same chanel and earlier Tass report:

Friends, Chechen units received a new order to redesign the forces.The area of responsibility becomes the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic.According to the order, the fighters of the Chechen divisions should begin active hostilities and free a number of settlements.However, the first stage has been going on for several days - the command headquarters of the units is developing plans for promoting and releasing settlements, and gets new intelligence.

A deputy of the State Duma, Hero of Russia, my dear brother Adam Delimkhanov @adelimkhanov_95, met with commanders whose area of responsibility is the so -called Maryinsky direction.The forces of the Akhmat special forces and the North-Akhmat regiment were transferred here, the command of which will be carried out by the dear brother, Hero of Russia, Major General of Alaudinov @Aptialaudinovakhmat.The invaluable experience of actions in this area is the commander of the North-Ahmat regiment Zindi Zingiev.

These days, the preparation of combat units for assault events is underway with the active support of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.Other Akhmat divisions of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Russian Guard, which are located on alternative sections of the contact line of the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, received similar orders on the beginning of the offensive.There were also carried out measures of tactical training, distribution of tasks between commanders and fighters, studying the area and the location of the enemy forces.

Now I turn to those who are on the other side.Unlike European and Ukrainian media, which tried to fear us for several months with a fantastic and terrifying offensive, we will not announce anything.Instead, I report: without waiting for the NATO-Ukrainian offensive, the offensive of the Akhmat units began.We are tired of waiting.Satanists will suffer a well -deserved punishment.We ask the countries of Europe for each cartridge, for each burned letter of the Holy Quran, for every wicked word addressed to Islam.The whole Muslim world today already sees the true gut of the West, its undisguised and unjustified hatred of Russia, Islam, traditional family and human values.There are calls for a coup in international relations between the West and the East.

It became clear to many that behind a friendly mask, the West hides an treacherous, insatiable essence.Only the old woman Europe is still a seriously assigned to its master.You can continue to distort the human essence there, with us we will not allow you to do it!

1.6M views edited May 31 at 07:10

Most recent previous Tass report mentioning Apty Alaudinov was:

Military operation in Ukraine

5 Jun, 20:24

Putin has regular personal contact with local officials in charge of special op — Kremlin

It is noted that the Russian president traditionally always prefers to have different sources of information

MOSCOW, June 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has regular personal communications with local officials in charge of the special military operation, but there are no plans to publish transcripts of such conversations, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

It was reported earlier that Putin had telephone conversations with Vladimir Zhdanov, head of the Shebekino District, Belgorod Region, which has been under sustained attack by Ukrainian forces, as well as with Apty Alaudinov, commander of the Akhmat special forces unit and deputy commander of Russia’s 2nd Army Corps.

According to Alaudinov, in his earlier phone conversation Putin “actually showed paternal concern for the fighters,” and assured them that they would be provided with everything they needed. After the conversation with Zhdanov, it was also reported that the president heard a report on the situation and gave all necessary instructions.

I ploughed through above because of growing suspicion that Ukrainian intelligence generates a lot of the material in “Russian” telegram channels and even the Russian milbloggers cannot work out what is coming from where. Am thinking above suggests that Tass thinks such reports are spreading widely enough that it needs to refute “fake news” from such sources without wanting to acknowledge the existance of the rumours they are trying to stamp out.

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On corruption in Ukraine, reportedly the EU is concerned at the direction of Ukraine laws aimed at de-oligarchisation, as compared to more overarching rules on competition and improved government procurement rules.


Law of Unintended Consequences