A post from “Anna from Odesa” shows how Ukrainians are frustrated:
I think it’s pretty obvious they have, yes
But anyway I think you’ve gone completely away from the point I was making, so will leave it at that
This war has shown there to be massively gaping holes in Russian capability, their air force is useless, lack of himars,atacm capabilities etc. They’re learning about drones but to date clearly they’ve invested $ in superweapons leaving them uncompetitive when those are not being used or don’t even work.
Russian losses per 12/01/25 reported by the Ukrainian General Staff.
+1750 men
+5 tanks
+18 AFVs
+22 artillery systems
+63 UAVs
+1 cruise missile
Президент 2036 | Путин зачищает окружение (Eng subs) - Max Katz
President 2036 | Putin cleans out his entourage
A belated thanks for the bump before @jackman7!
Their navy hasn’t done too well either, it makes their air force look almost competent by way of comparison… almost…
Наступление ВСУ в Курской области | Пленные корейцы | Российские потери
The offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region | Captured Koreans | Russian losses (Eng subs) - Ruslan Leviev (Max Katz)
I agree, but unfortunately they are getting better
They have scale in battlefield tested drone warfare skills now that nato simply doesn’t have.
I think nato would be able to temporarily control the skies while Russian tech caught up with stealth capabilities etc but I think the ground battle would be just as brutal as it is at the moment
The navy is so poor I forgot them
and bump
Regarding the North Korean soldiers, we have known they have been in Kursk for well over a month now. Everybody knew it, and nobody really cares. Now it’s proven, does it make any difference? What’s the significance?
Also, Ukraine are parading them before media, is this against the Geneva Convention? Or is it different because they are operating under a false flag (not Korean), are any rights waived in this case?