Saturday Football

C'mon Port.

Will be ■■■■■■■ acid if these carnts make finals at our expense.

■■■■ carlton.

Anybody but them!

WINGARD cmon pls port.

There is no swear filter strong enough for what I'd like to say about Carlton right now.

There is no swear filter strong enough for what I'd like to say about Carlton right now.

Forget the scum, it's Vlad that's put them in with a chance. If you wanna get mad, get mad with Vlad!

Absolutely gutted.

Fark you Carlton. I hope you get absolutely smashed next week.

That’s shattering. They’d better get belted by 100 goals next week.

How much did ■■■■■■■ Carlton pay to win that one. Murphy ran the ball straight over the line, didn't even attempt to hide it and ump pays throw in.


To be honest I’ve been giving the NRL a try today. I’ll watch the boys tonight though. It’ll be my last game of AFL for the year.

What a ■■■■ year. I feel sick.

What a **** year. I feel sick.

What a **** year. I feel sick.

As much as I hate Carlton, would love to see them beat the Tigers next week. Could you imagine their feral fans. Dockers can pump them by 1000 the following week.



and it probably will cost me my work tipping comp and $250 too.


I'm thinking of following the tiddlywinks or competitive eating or something next year.  It's been the most fuckedup football year I can remember.

I think I’m going to vomit.

Tonight is like a wake for me. I am absolutely devastated.

I think I'm going to vomit.
Tonight is like a wake for me. I am absolutely devastated.

Yep. It's really happened :(
I also have to go out with my Carlton supporting bff later. She won't say anything or gloat but I know how happy she really is.
I want to cry.

Get M Harvey on the phone.