What are the implications for sports, footy clubs in utilising social media platforms which are such an integral part of communications and engagement strategies to young fans? Can clubs keep u16’s watching their socials?
NB: No need for stupid lines about no kids wanting to engage with Essendon coz we’re crap etc. We have enough doomer threads elsewhere.
My cricket club uses WhatsApp as the main form of communications amongst the playing group, which includes juniors as well as seniors. TeamApp is also another way sporting clubs can send out correspondence to players. So it doesn’t have to be a social media platform that is being used to keep in touch with everyone.
True. However it’s a big thing for sports clubs. This upends their whole go to market with respect to how it communicates with its fans and the whole fandom thing. Talk about a shakeup to the sports marketing industry
all this talk about whether or not it will work is irrevelant. The government just wants to be seen as doing something, they don’t give a stuff if it works or not