Sorry Saga - “It’s actually quite funny people thinking they know more than they actually do”

Every Director from Acquire should be disallowed from holding Directorships at any other Corporation. Can’t believe this wasn’t imposed. Would teach that fat fark a lesson. Guy has made his career through sheer nepotism. Talentless hack.


DJR, now if one was into conspiracy theory, one might say, that is much more than mere coincidence.

But; you and I know, the ASADA’s reputation is beyond repute. They would never, ever, do anything like untoward like that!

Seems Demetriou received a tip-off recently then.
Sure knows his way around the systems.

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The Buckley /Demetriou company, Beyond Boundaries, is on the nose in NSW for favouring a Crown company ( another Demetriou Directorship) The AFL is a BB client.
Demetriou probably learnt from Fitzpatrick, who owned half of the ANZ Stadium lease involving deals for playing AFL games there.
Might be a Commission tradition, before that, a certain VFL President had to be dissuaded from being involved in ground catering and cleaning contracts for which Spotless was tendering.


Demetriou’s nephew set up Acquire in Australia after successfully trying the same scam in the UK and he asked his uncle to head the Australian franchise.

Interesting how this has been covered by the various media outlets. The Age (Independent, Always-Really!!) covers the Federal Court judgement, but doesn’t mention any of the office holders, funny that. C Wilson intervention?

The AFR and News Ltd place Vlad and nephew Tim (COO) and Founder member at the centre of the rort. If you google Tim Demetriou, first article that comes up is the 2016 BRW Young Rich List which shows his wealth at $84M up from $70M in 2015. Oz taxpayers are very generous.

On 10th May 2017, C Wilson, in an article on Carlton losing $1M in sponsorship, wrote "Demetriou added contrary to previous reports he was not a director with Acquire Learning’. The AFR describes Vlad as " former chairman of Acquire’s advisory committee who oversaw his nephew Tim as Chief Operations Officer. News Ltd states he was Acquire’s chairman.

Looks like Wilson is still doing PR for Vlad. Perhaps they futures are forever linked by the ASADA stitch up.


Surely this is against some form of consumer law?

Sure is against the consumer law. That’s why the ACCC took Acquire to court and they were fined $4.5 million


Apologies for a ridiculously long post!

I watched a 30 for 30 called “Fantastic Lies” on ESPN this evening. It looked at the story of a sexual assualt claim by an African American women against members of the Duke University Lacrosse team. I watched it with my wife (Collingwood Supporter) who really doesn’t watch a lot of sport but saw that there were crime elements in a show on a sports channel. That got her interest. It was an engaging story, and one that automatically reminded me of the injustice served by the 34 Essendon Football Club players. To summarise, a young woman who was working as a stripper made rape allegations against a group of Duke Uni Lacrosse players. The story centres on an overly aggressive Police Force, (who didn’t obtain any evidence or facts to suggest a rape had occurred), and a lawyer who took the case on but not for the right reasons. The lawyer had an ulterior motive as he was trying to get elected as the District Attorney, and thought he could use the African American vote in the area (he ended up winning the election). The story BLEW UP (I can vaguely remember it when it happened 10 or so years ago) and the mainstream media ran a “guilty until proven innocent” campaign in the paper. The victim identified 3 young men as the perpetrators, and they were put through hell for 370 days. The Lacrosse team were banned for the season. The coach had to resign. The students at Duke ran protests and smear campaigns against the alleged. As you can tell by the title of the episode it was all based on a lie, and was a story made up by a women with serious mental health issues. She is currently serving a 2nd Degree Murder sentence for killing her partner. The Detective who was in charge of the investigation left the force 2 years later and committed suicide 6 years after that. The lawyer lost his license and was jailed. The 3 alleged didn’t take part in the documentary (their parents did though) and you could clearly see that the collateral damage caused by these “fantastic lies” was everlasting.

My wife watched it all with me, and she was disgusted. She just couldn’t get her head around the fact that there were so many people in positions of power who knew what they were doing was wrong, but they continued anyway. That they thought that they could get away with it, that they were smarter than the truth.
I’ll be honest, I’ve butted heads with my wife over the Sorry Saga numerous times. It got to the point where we just couldn’t talk about it, and that’s not healthy for a relationship. It was a sore point which affected my enjoyment of footy and that in turn affected her enjoyment of it too. I took a risk and mentioned that this doco had similarities to the Essendon situation, that people will protect their own interests at the expense of others, that 3 innocent men had to put up with over a year of false allegations just like 34 athletes having to deal with over 4 years of lies and untruths. I mentioned that these 3 men were lucky. They were able to clear their names (eventually). At this stage the 34 are not. We have a government, a sporting body and the big end of town trying to prevent the truth coming out. My wife actually listened to me, didn’t argue with me and I could feel that she was finally realising that i’m not a one eyed raving lunatic supporter who cares more about protecting his club than getting the truth out! It felt great.

I believe it was 11 years ago that this incident occurred. It shows that we need to keep fighting and we need to get the truth out there. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Perhaps ESPN will run a 30 for 30 on the Saga in 10 years time. Who knows!


To be fair though zantuck all of us who frequent this thread are one eyed raving lunatic supporters, but that doesn’t mean we’re wrong. Anyway well done for converting a non believer and I hope the makeup sex was wild.


Its a great doco about a great injustice. And yes the similarities to EFC are marked.


sorry I wear glasses so that makes me a four eyed raving lunatic supporter LOL


And where does Bastion fit into all of this???

Reportedly, Demetriou has a 10% share in Bastion as well as being on the board ( as is Lundy). Clients include Crownbet ( another Demetriou directorship). In 2013/14 it was seen as the main rival of Gemba, who Hird was associated with.
What goes round …


Demetriou’s business reputation is now shot, not from the bankruptcy but the associated fraud/misleading claims. He wont be able to hold the position of a company director for numerous (is it 3 or 5?) years now. In his eyes, it wont effect his other shareholdings, unless he is ordered to repay loans by the bankruptcy trustee.

That said, Bastion will be trying to distance Demetrious involvement from all their clients.
Its not a good look for them. The AFL use this term often: ‘guilt by association’

Too bad Bastion, you backed the wrong horse.



Bruce Francis is ‘teeing off’ daily at ASADA ATM.
Should I post his letters here?

PS: I looked up the term ‘teeing off’ in the urban dictionary, it’s the second definition.


Link here


Here is Bruce Francis dated 30th May:


Here is Bruce Francis letter of 28 May:


Here is Bruce Francis letter of 29 May: