Star Wars,Rise of Skywalker FULL SPOILERS!

The dice used to win The Falcon from Lando in a High Stakes game.

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They’re both right.

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The problem for me with melodrama in star wars is that, as a kid, I just couldn’t see it. The original trilogy played perfectly straight and serious in my mind and has done so for ever more.

Sure with hindsight I can see the hammy side of it and the melodrama but I can still watch those original movies as a kid, played perfectly straight.

As I’ve aged and grown more discerning it became impossible to watch the new instalments with that same, uncritical, eye and the hammyness and melodrama grated.

I think one of the reasons I liked rogue one was because I felt there was little to no winking at the camera and I felt they played it pretty straight.

I think this is probably also why some of the forced humour of tlj grated for me. Star wars was never something I laughed at as a kid, it was deadly serious business.


so TL:DR old people are ■■■■■■.

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SW is about characters.

Rogue One could’ve been played out by a dozen cardboard boxes and got the same result.

I liked the characters, but I’m an absolute sucker for daddy Daughter stories after having had two daughters

I fully expect to see those dice heavily featured in the Han Solo movie.

Think Leia sacrificing herself instead of Derns character did would have been the best way for her to go out.


With the benefit of hindsight the writers would probably agree with you


All of you are wrong. Star Wars isn’t about jokes, or war, or characters or plot. Star Wars is about getting a bunch of Disney execs a bigger yacht


I agree completely. I just love the franchise and think all the movies are great. (Except for any scene I with Jar Jar binks or Ani talking about course sand). Yes, they are not going to win academy awards and critics will slam them and some diehard fans who actually believe in the force will kick up a stink when their expectations aren’t met but really, the new movies are fine IMV. I can enjoy and appreciate every Star Wars movie of which they all have their good points.

The new movies might not be as strong in terms of characters vs I to III, but the return to proper sets makes such a difference over the computerised garbage from the prequels.

Remember when you couldn’t expect great things from a Batman movie, they were campy, melodramtic and had no substance, just mindless action movies for kids.

Enter Nolan.


I think that was just a shout out to the MAGA crew who would have been furiously masturbating about the impulsive white guy being right twice.

It wouldn’t have been nearly as devastating if it had have been Leia

Liked it. A few cringe worthy moments such as Leia flying through space, but overall enjoyed it.

Could not give a ■■■■ about Snoke, or the lack of explanation about him, did people seriously think it was going to be revealed that he was Mace Windu or some other ■■■■.

Similarly with with Rey’s parents. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if that changed in the final movie.

I loved Luke as the fallen hero, the broken Jedi Master who could not stop his star pupil (his sister & best friend’s son at that) from turning to the dark side.

I felt at different stages Finn & Po were wasted in this movie and a lot of time they were on screen didn’t really seem to serve a purpose. The whole find the master code breaker, get abroad the ship and turn off the tracker storyline seemed to end up going nowhere.

Not the best Star Wars movie ever but held up well to the original triology and TFA, far better than the prequels for mine.

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Saw it at IMAX (3D) last night.

I liked the light-speed kamikaze scene. That’s about it.


On watching it the first time I thought Leia was going to sacrifice herself. This is in part because I seem to remember after Carrie Fisher died that they said she had already done most of her filming so I thought there was minimal work required.

I wanna see more del toro in the next one

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It’s comedy gold watching grown men throwing hissy fits on twitter & YouTube, over the fact they don’t like this movie. Then trying to force others not to like it.



He would of been perfect to play hux. The guy who plays Hux just comes off as way too whiny

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No different to so many people labelling others who don’t like it idiots.

Apparently if you don’t follow the herd majority you’re a “butthurt idiot” these days.

It’s only a small few who outright hate it but others can’t even voice an option on scenes they thought sucked without being spat some crap about being a creepy ol dude that lives in his mums basement (not on heard, just shot I’ve seen on social media).

For the record I’m probably a creepy old dude, I just live with my wife.

Not spacey creepy, not even Affleck creepy, just creepy.