The Cricket Thread (part 9) - from Dec 2024

Wouldn’t they count as people came into the ground / purchased a ticket?

I don’t find Indian fans any worse or better than most cricket fans. They are louder and often sound more passionate but as for whinging, no btter or worse than anyone else, Aussies included.


And Brendon Julien reckons Sam Billings catch from a skied ball was the best of the 3. My opinion, borne out over many years, is that Julien is just beefcake for the ladies.

As a keeper’s catch. I thought Seifert’s was better.

But Duckett, Harvey and Sutherland are in a tight competion for COTY.

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I am perplexed at how the Aussie team can be accused of cheating though? All they did was raise an appeal as they thought it was out. 3rd umpire gave it out.


There’s one reason that Australian cricket fans have such a strong feeling against India and its supporters: India beats Australia, regularly. We hate losing at cricket, and no matter how good we claim our team to be they simply can’t win in India, as well as having lost the last two home series against them. There’s a lot of angst about that. I think you’ll find there’s been a similar feeling, for similar reasons, about South Africa. Of course all supporter groups have some bona fide ■■■■■■■■■ in their ranks, but Australian cricket fans criticising anyone is more than a little hypocritical.

Regardless, it was a good match and it’s a bit of a shame India couldn’t see out the day and force a winner-takes-all decider in Sydney. Both teams are at interesting stages, as neither are as good as they were a year or two ago and change is needed. India will lose the series, but the inclusion of talented young players has already begun and a new captain should be another positive. No Shami has been a huge factor, but I think the absence of a guy like Pujara, adding real resolve to the batting against such quality bowling, has been a killer.


I remember that game and the number of times it was replayed. What I recall is that the vision showed zero deflection from the bat.

I didn’t think it was acknowledged as a howler, rather that it was typical Gavaskar whinging and poor sportsmanship.


This might be a stupid question, but we get 40,000 Indians at the G but can barely get 5,000 to their home games in India in empty stadiums?

Indian mate at work says its ticket prices. In some parts of India its a weeks wage for a ticket.

So its very much a a treat to go, so when they go they do a one dayer or T20


I asked the lads at work this and they said that most here have decent enough jobs and our ticket prices are very affordable. It also gives them a day out to mingle with other members of their community plus they only tour here every couple of years. At home the ticket prices are insanely high and it is out of reach for most ordinary people


Ronny Mac talking up Marsh saying he’s up and about but would like better output with the bat (no shiiit Sherlock) and says him being used sparingly in the first 4 tests was tactical ……you couldn’t make this nonsense up. No mate he’s horribly out of form and he’s carrying a back injury. If his name wasn’t Matsh or wasn’t a good bloke he’d have been dropped months ago


Are you sure you are not talking about Bomber Supporters?

Seriously Sir Smooth, none of my Indians friends are what you describe at all.

Not sure there are any tickets and not greatly controlled back then.

I’m more than happy to call aus cheats when they deserve it. But I’m not sure how anyone can say they were cheating in this instance. They appealed for a caught behind and it went to the 3rd umpire. No team has control over the DRS system

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ICC begs to differ


I really don’t think Australian supporters should be throwing stones.
Online, India fans can be pretty bad.
In person, I’ve never found any of them to be less than lovely.
They deeply love their cricket and they are far more likely to name an Australian player as one of their favourite/most respected than we do with other nation’s players.


Also, most are critical of what Kohli did.

I’ve seen that they would have liked Cummins to ask the crowd to stop booing Kohli, as Kohli did for Smith in India.
They were different situations, sure, but I have to concede they have a point.


If they did, then that decision would of stayed not out

Waiting for the “M. C. A.”


That’s an awesome photo.
Could go straight to the pool room.


And I’m still on a high from yesterday.

What a perfect Test.