The Great Blitz Album Survey…Favourite Albums Across The Years…The 2000s

Still within the theme of liking bands that jerk off guitar necks.


Just a liiiiiittle bit quieter…


I’d love to have a listen, but unfortunately, I’ve already used up my quota of albums that could broaden my music knowledge for the month.



I think you might be mistakenly forgetting that a new month has just started…so go wild…you know you want to :rofl:

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Musical months go from the 15th to the 14th. Didn’t they teach you that at bogan rock school?


Ah…so that’s where you went to school eh?

I’m going to assume that you failed and got kicked out :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

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Failed misrably.

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So then you got sent to EDM School…where all the failures went? :rofl: :rofl:

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At spelling too? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha, yep, that too.

I was already picking on him…I didn’t want to pint that out as well. :rofl:

3/ Radiohead - Kid A
2/ PJ Harvey - Stories From the City
1/ The Dandy Warhols - Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia

3/ Tool - Lateralus
2/ Nick Cave - No More Shall We Part
1/ Bjork - Vespertine

That was a very hard choice for 2001. There must be about 10 of my all time faves released that year. Can’t believe I had to overlook Radiohead (Pyramid Song is possibly their Magnum Opus), Aphex Twin, The Strokes, White Stripes, The Shins, Muse, Four Tet, Gorillaz, Gotan Project

3/ Iron and Wine - The Creek Drank the Cradle
2/ Sigur Ros - ( )
1/ Boards of Canada - Geogaddi

3/ The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
2/ Radiohead - Hail to the Thief
1/ Muse - Absolution

3/ Iron and Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
2/ Nick Cave - Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus
1/ Interpol - Antics

3/ Sigur Ros - Takk
2/ Gorillaz - Demon Days
1/ Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - self titled

3/ Burial - Burial
2/ Thom Yorke - The Eraser
1/ Joanna Newsom - Ys

3/ Radiohead - In Rainbows
2/ Burial - Untrue
1/ The Field - From Here We Go Sublime

3/ TV on the Radio - Dear Science
2/ Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
1/ Portishead - Third

3/ Animal Collective - Merryweather Post Pavilion
2/ The Field - Yesterday and Today
1/ Doves - Kingdom of Rust


Your taste in music is approved.

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Wow, I’d completely forgotten about them. Pitchfork darlings at the time iirc. Loved their first single.

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Hahaha going very well @Klawdy . Good of you to ask mate!

Balance is I love 80’s and far less melancholy during that era. I do like progressive Death metal.

My 5 favourite musical talents are diverse:

  1. Eddie Van Halen (untouchable by 2 thru 5 below)
  2. Neil Finn (genius. I love All his work)
  3. Michael Akerfeldt (absolute genius. Listen to Damnation album, then contrast with the BRUTAL Ghost of Perdition off Ghost Reveries)
  4. Tommy Emmanuel (try Luttrell)
  5. John Denver (try Annie’s song… or Windsong)
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All round great album from start to finish. I followed them for a few more albums but they never quite reached the heights of their debut. I think line-up changes cost them a bit of chemistry and the lead singer became the sole creative drive.

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I also got to see them live at the Harvest Music Festival in Werribee in 2011.

The lineup included them and;

TV on the Radio,
The National,
Family Stone,
The Flaming Lips,
Mercury Rev

Best lineup at a festival I ever went to.


Here’s my year by year from 01-06, my high school years.


  1. Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World (criminally underrated album… not a bad song on this album)

  2. Toxicity - System of a Down

  3. Green Album - Weezer


  1. Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stoneage

  2. By the Way - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

  3. Sticks and Stones - New Found Glory


  1. Elephant - White Stripes

  2. Deja Entendu - Brand New

  3. Absolution - Muse


  1. American Idiot - Green Day

  2. Good News for People who love bad news - Modest Mouse

  3. Vol 3 - Slipknot


  1. Out of Exile - Audioslave

  2. Employment - Kaiser Chiefs

  3. Here’s to the Mourning - Unwritten Law


  1. The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

  2. Black Holes and Revolutions - Muse

  3. Whatever people say I am, that’s what I’m not - Arctic Monkeys


  1. Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World

  2. The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

  3. Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stoneage


Released October 2000

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Thanks, knew I’d make a blue

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