The Reboot - the 2023 VFLW season summary

ROUND 12 vs Casey

Ure is out, injured (but absolutely not a good match versus Swain anyway).

We have the very substantial wind in the first quarter.


It takes us 16 minutes with a huge wind to kick a goal in the third quarter (Manfre outworks two Demons).


We manage to burn 6.5 minutes before they goal to creep up to 30-17.

It takes them another 8 minutes to score the next point. Awesome defending.

But then…

30-25… oh ■■■■, if they goal in these last two minutes there is ZERO chance of getting even a draw.

A series of repeat stoppages later, and we survive.


All 55 points were kicked at the southern end.

Inside 50s EFC Casey
Q1 13 4
Q2 0 12
Q3 11 3
Q4 0 9
TOTAL 24 28

We got smashed inside (clearances lost 14-28), and outside. Our 96 tackles saved us: Dicker had 15 of them, and 6 clearances.

I’ve been doing ladder predictions for the last month, but with so many teams so close freakish things keep happening…