The Reigning DJ King (MK III) is @Koala the King Killing Drop Bear is Simply Irresistible


FBR, and because I want to hear some more live TV performances.

(I tossed a coin on a letterman live track last time I had the headphones. Went the other way and was voted out)

I believe that’s TEN!

you made it 10-2 Diggers

Hope the next one is listenable

Lol. Of course not.

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I too wish life could be Swedish magazines…

I must thank you Diggers from the bottom of my heart for this song. It takes a great skill to not only make my ears hurt, but my eyes too. No.

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Love it.

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey goodbye.

1st Iggy song I ever heard. That was a pretty bad mix but luckily I have a better one ingrained in my brain. YES


What’s wrong with you people?


That’s better.


I’ll go yes, but I’m still blown away that a.) You played 311, B.) 311 got through 10-2 and C.) baakkeerrrr voted yes for 311.


I can’t believe @choppsuey liked it.

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If I really wanted to watch blurry old videos, I’d log onto a ■■■■ site (allegedly)

Crappy sound, crappy farking dancing…this can fark right off


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Let’s face it - James Osterberg’s reputation outweighs his output by some way. Some moments of excellence with a heap of bog ordinary stuff in between.
This ain’t one of his better ones.

But… Swedish magazines?