The reigning DJ King (Mk VI) is @Baakkeerrrr...all alone poor dear

Have a yes. That’s 6-1

Could we also get someone to give @coldblood a further vote for The Temptations, currently 6-0


Cooking sherry anyone?

I was going to vote yes for that as well. Up to the powers that be.

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All good as far as I’m concerned. I could see how the count could get confused when @Deckham and I were throwing yes around in our quotes. Makes it a nice 7-0. Great set so far.

Where’s the next song @coldblood

Well went to the beach for fish and chips on the sand . now this is also about things you shouldn’t do or take.

Yes…great set so far


Great track @coldblood. Yes


Ooh, liked that.


Also @coldblood - if you delete everything after and including the ? in your links, it will appear as a video instead of a playlist :wink:

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cool yes

superfluous YES

Getting back to the Sinatra’s. IIRC, Frank Jnr was once kidnapped and held to ransom. Which co-incidentally is what @Crazy_Bomber does to our ears every time he’s in charge of the ‘phones.

Got to find us first

Now this one you have to cut and paste the link click on track 4 “on the island” its not that hard to do, but I’m sure some won’t read this message.
North and South Carolina has a stretch of sand islands running along the coast ,this is the style of music and dancing they do all references are to different dance styles and not what you first thought.

Quite cheesy and a bit tinny production wise but enjoyable little tune nevertheless. YES

Yeah il yes that

For the extra effort of finding the song, I expected more

Sorry…but this is a NO from me

Sorry will try and make it up to you.

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