The reigning DJ King (Mk VI) is @Baakkeerrrr...all alone poor dear

I feel anarchy is about to break loose.

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This is poor form. Iā€™d almost vote yes to a Cliffy song right now. Well, not quite, but the thought fleetingly crossed my mind. :grin:


Should we just preemptively play The Bed Intruder song so that @Deckham doesnā€™t have to?


Bad intruder song? Pls educate me and post itšŸ˜‚

Grab a pitchfork and you too can participatešŸ˜‰


Bed Intruder.

Itā€™s that ā€˜Hide ya kids, hide ya wifeā€™ song.

He plays it every time.


Iā€™m too scared to click on that link - will I be getting rickrolled?

nah, itā€™s a classic scene

ā€œIā€™ve been here 20 minutes already.ā€

I farkin love that movie.

Arenā€™t there nerds that tell you that you have 7 votes one way or the other.

ā€œThx. Iā€™ll give it a whirlā€. Bahahaha!

Post a song - I know punctuality isnā€™t a millenials strong suit but 5 hours is taking the ā– ā– ā– ā– . :joy:

Still havenā€™t listened either


What a surprise!

Itā€™s no Devil Woman, so Iā€™ll give it a Yes

Devil Woman would be a better option than this repetitive crap


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