The reigning DJ King (Mk VII) is - @Kira with the all time super set of the millenium

As usual it’s a very good proposal.

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I see Swoods is a fan of dancing on Klawdy’s grave?


The song was so forgettable that half way through I forgot the first half. Another charity yes.



Yeah, what it would do is bring out all the meow meows who abstain because they struggle to vote no. Say you were on 4-3 & there were zero votes for 7 hours (during the day). If there was a time limit, you would get through to your next song. Now, if there were two or three abstaining (hate the tune, but good guy), they would be encouraged to vote no to ensure that didn’t happen.

I reckon those who abstain in the current system ‘hope’ a DJ is booted on a song, but don’t wanna rock the boat to make that happen.

Anyway, back to crickets. :wink:

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I’ve used up all my ammo already.

Speaking of that, I’m getting the snip in a few weeks. @diggers help!

There is such a thing as “too much sharing” you know :wink:

We’re not there yet.

The after shots will be in that category.


Can I ask for a recount?

I gave it a couple of goes to make a full informed decision.

Have a “You’re not a sht bloke” yes

Just for the record, Swoods is not eligible for that voting option.


I make that 6-1, anyone want to put it through?

I love it


Swoods has turned heel

I think the thread has been lacking this of late.

I feel energised!



They are called ‘pipe cuts’ in Japan (apparently). Not covered by health insurance here, so up to 2K for the procedure. I tried to find some info on it re: numbers, but was unsuccessful. I suspect it is far more common in Western countries. Married couples use condoms more in Asia, but given the huge populations, I reckon plenty of them must break easily. :rofl:

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yep…way too many “good bloke” yesses.

Thread needs more @BAAKKEERRRR quality rebuttals

I’m amazed by all the good bloke yeses there are, considering all the ■■■■■ that frequent this thread.

And yes, that includes me…:wink:


Too many pipe cuts, mate. Once they get em done, they always vote yes.

You don’t cut em though, do you…? :wink:
