The reigning DJ King (Mk VII) is - @Kira with the all time super set of the millenium


7-1 Thank someone for that. Standby while I tee up my next.

Thank you to @SteveB way way back in thread II for playing this band. When I was trawling through youtube looking for songs, saw the name and thought why not. Enjoyed it, so here it is.


Is this song a White Stripes ripoff?

Never got the hype for CTE, it’s a NO from me.


It’s funny, I never got the love for the White Stripes but this sounded OK to me.

Although the lead singer looked like a bit of a tossa.


Yeah, he’s got a bit of a Mark Wahlberg look to me.

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Cage the Elephant…?

Vanilla indie rock. Did nothing for me. Sorry, LB. No.

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Sorry, it’s a No from me

Works for me. YES


Where was the story for this one?

Yes, and on my list.

Quick stop back from meeting Mrs Deck’s relos.
Now going out to dinner…with Mrs Deck’s relos.
One of them is wearing shorts and crocs.


Crocs with socks?

no socks. Just farking crocs. ffs. Bet you anything he’ll be wearing them to dinner. if he is, i’ll surreptitiously signal …like, with a C or something.

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Bahahaha. Hey, as a prank, I dare ya to hand him some tinea powder at dinner (under the table & with a wink). :grin:

i’ll try and get a photo.if you see a photo under the table of crocs tyou know it’s from me


Post it with a mosaic, so that we don’t recognise his feet.

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hahhahaha you a crac k up man!


So 5-3. How about those whatevers?

So I picked a great day to jump in and then avoid my phone whilst hangin out with the missus didn’t I!

Anyway, I rate that Cage the elephant song and probably listen to it about once a month, so I’ll jump back in here with a yes.