The Reigning Dj King (MKII) is @Mackster

Did anyone see that unintentional nuts gag?

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Teehee gag

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woops. I never thought of that. I reckoned Wendell was a sure fire easy winner half way through the season. His composure during the challenges was incredible. A genuinely deserving winner.

i can’t believe i nominated a survivor watcher…


I can’t remember you nominating me. I must be old. Oh, hang on. :skull_and_crossbones:

I’m done for the night.

If this gets up I’ll see you in the morning (and my track that I thought would go well following this one will go back in the pile as I try and work out an appropriate morning song), if not, I’ll leave it to @SteveB

and if steveB doesn’t show @up_up can have another crack.

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Yeah play Devo! The one with skateboards.

I figure if I can get through life and Survivor is the trashiest thing I watch I’m not doing too bad.


Yep, I only watch one reality TV show, Survivor. I don;t even watch that weird one where the beefcakes kick the shiit out of that oval shaped leather thingy,


7 - 1

If I have managed to sift out the actual yes and no votes amongst the banter which included random conversational yeah’s and the like.

I think it was 2 no’s, Perce and Swoodley. But this might get through cos I’m saying yes.

8-2 or thereabouts.


People are (unintentionally) ■■■■■■■ up this thread. Stop doing that. Stay focused.

Praise or ridicule the song or the DJ.
Engage in friendly banter.

For example:

The present song is ■■■■. But, I want to move things along, so…


Banter banter banter.


Sheesh glad i called stumps when I did…
Yes to Portishead…

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Yeah me too. Also yes to Portaloo.

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Last night was weird. I’m not accustomed to being the sober one in th thread.

Yes to Portisgead. I think that’s 485-2.