The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff

Didn’t mind that. Yes.

You forgot to negotiate Blitz access during the interview/job offer process?

No to the song.

It was just a transfer between sites. I didn’t have that problem at the previous site.:thinking:

Moving forward. Lots of home lunches coming up, if you can’t resolve the access issue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Usual drill - I made it all the way thru, yep

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Have a really obscure artist name reminds me of one of my favourite brewers yes


I didn’t like some of it but I kinda liked some parts. Have an indecisive yes.

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Was waiting the whole time for some beats to kick in, and they never arrived. Rather an 80s vintage guitar solo turned up, so …oh stuff it, the piano at the end reminded me of something, have a yes


He’s lucky I voted before that part kicked in, completely out of place and would have voted no.

This song is an ad for tinned Tuna, yeah?

No, a very big, No.

Sorry Swoods.


I’m off to the Dead Kennedys gig tonight. Yeah they’re old and there’s no Jello but it will be fun anyway. The crowd watching should be good.


DJ Swoodley (fifth spin)
SONG #1388 The Enigma of Life, by Sirenia

YES: Kira, Kj, Anast, Hoff, Klaw, ham, frost,
NO: Yoss, Rain, Zimm,


Ummmmmmm Nnnnooooooo

Klawdy just went way up in my estimation.

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A good spirited Yes

Even if those issues are resolved, I think I’ll still be making a few trips home for lunch…

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Any good?


Yeah the Praline is sensational. I have a sweet tooth so I tend to enjoy the ones that lean to the dessert side of things.


I thought that song was a right wank. No


The Dead Kennedys killed it and you dorks are still agonising over this one?