The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff

I’m gonna go against the grain here…

Medium-sized yes.

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Have a meh yes

Not sure I can do a Kanye avatar, but it’s time for the wife beater to go. Hmmm decisions.

Just a regular, plain, vanilla yes.

What about the chick in the song?

A prawn star!

Also good to see someone genuflecting in the direction of history for EDM Thursday.

Gone, but not forgotten. Ah the memories.

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Have this CD - was on my list of bands to get in the cannon too.


Good set

I’m about to go drink free beer… That has helped my mood immensely.

Great set so far Wim.


Love FGTH. The original version is way better. But, YES

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I have an interesting story that involves Jeam Michele Jarre. Well, indirectly at least.


Where’s @Stallion

This would be straight off his playlist

JMJ doesn’t have a band though…

To the best of my knowledge, JMJ or his band hasn’t had sex with anyone I know.

What about John Michael Howson?

Who really knows? Its a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world…

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That it is.


Pretty pretty…pretty…crap.