The Reigning DJ King (MKV) @Preliminary_Point2...playing some stuff


That was interesting. Industrial klink klank beat but with an upbeat cheery vibe like a Vampire Weekend or something. Lots going on. Yes

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I’m still alive?


On tuneyards, I saw them/her play at Howler a couple of years back. 2 or 3 drummers/percussion, multiple keyboard players, and an Adam Ant vibe. It was great!


I’m giving this one a NO


Who will give the deciding vote?



oh - I’ve already voted.


I love 98% of your music frosty but I can’t vote this through just because it’s from this decade. An easy NO for this one, holy crap it irritated me. Quirky needs to be decent. Sozz.

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Well that’s ruined my night.

Should have just played her iPhone ad. But I’ve think the hooks in this one are way better than in that one. But I’ll accept that there’s a lot of of stuff going on in there.

Anyway, @Yossarian and @Davo have been summoned. If they don’t show by the morning I’ll either nominate someone else, or you can all just work it out.

Probably lucky for everyone that I was voted out. I have a video of grade 6s singing imagine dragons at “graduation” just begging to be uploaded to YT and sent to the DJ thread…


Looks like @yosaarian and @Davo may not be around. @up_up are you interested?

Anyone else?

Thanks Frosty, morning/evening all

Oh good timing. And I know the song inside out, so I’ll just drop this yes here and press play…

As above

And ditto again. Yes.


But Elvis Costello is one of those artists for me that I should like, but actually find a bit uninspiring. I have (had, I honestly wouldn’t know now) a couple of albums and after an initial few plays basically never felt much like going back to them, and even now when I listen I generally go “yeah, that was ok”, and then move on. It’s interesting to me because I know a lot of people who love EC.

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I’m a bit the same @frosty. Did love his early spiky, narky work with the Attractions (but then that late 70’s/early 80’s British wave is right in my wheelhouse), but lost interest severely after the one with Shipbuilding and Everyday I Write The Book on it (name escapes me right now - was it Punch The Clock?) and the little I have heard thereafter just never drew me back in. He seemed to go more for that polished whiteboy-soul/rootsy sound, which never really struck a chord with me.

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DJ King is such a great forum to get these intimate but shallow issues off our chests, thanks @Diggers


He’s a great singles collection. That’s what I usually go for when wanting to hear some.

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A very mild yes.