The Room

Damn! Was on sbs late last night -missed a beauty by the sounds of things.

Welcome to a decade ago Digglet!

After having seen the Snow Plough or WTF that crap show was called, my lifetime supply of watching movie crapness has been expended.

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I was actually watching something about Troll 2 not being legitimate sequel last night.

So apparently the story is that Troll 2 was originally called Goblins and never had anything to do with Troll, until some studio execs decided to cash in on the Troll name and rebrand it to sell some extra tickets.

Supposedly there isn’t even a single appearance or mention of a troll in the whole movie.

Hahaha, what a story Mark!


why, Lisa… Why… WHY!

Disaster Artist is great. Tommy is actually now infront money wise from this movie.