The Team - vs Western Bulldogs - Sun 3.20pm

Fair enough.

I have equal levels of negativity towards both so can’t even commit to a poll on blitz.


Even with a full strength side…we still would get smashed by theses farks

Yeah both have lots of downfalls, interesting results though very 50/50

I wonder, will Shiel suffer the ignomy of playing VFL, or will he get the Essington Kid Gloves Treatment of sitting on the pine in the main game or sitting on the sofa all weekend?

How many Blitzers are actually Club members ?

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Exactly this. Also, Shiel seems to be incapable of playing other roles to a satisfactory standard, so if he’s not performing in midfield then out of the team he goes.


We will miss Shiels absence imo he hasn’t been that bad

Which is why he has been dropped


I’ve been a Shiel fan for years, but for some unexplained reason (carrying an injury ?) he’s been leaning on his oar this season. I hope he plays in the VFL the next couple of weeks and regains his form there.

As for Brandon Zerk Thatcher - what’s he done to pish Truck off ? I’ve been wachng him closely the past couple of weeks: he’s been playing solidly, even well, and was just starting to settle into his rôle in the team. His problem is not that he’s had to give way for Reid, but that Heppell is captain and therefore must be selected, however badly he might play.


Deserves a poll

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Meh… I just want to know what item I’ll be sent to mark this week’s loss.
More wallpapers?
The opportunity to purchase a bottle of celebratory port?
An offer for a slab of commemorative specially brewed Pale Ale?
A chance to bid on a copy of Ben Rutten’s game plan signed by all 22 players?


I don’t think all 22 players will sign it. Given lots don’t seem to adhere to it.


How about a chance to drink the players own bathwater?


Perhaps the chance to buy a strip of turf from the centre corridor that no Essendon player has touched?


I wonder if there is a Blitzer out there, who can come up with a more cynical comment on team selection.


I feel like a professional football coach who
posts on blitz would respect the need to drop a player who is failing at the defensive aspects of the game….

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fark, how many goals in a row WB going to pile on at some stage


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Wonder if Hepp will be a late out too?

Maybe Hind would come in.