The Twit show Musk go on

I’m very surprised that at least they didn’t keep the @ABCEmergency account going. Surely you want to get emergency notifications out to as broad an audience as possible?

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It is strange, he didn’t buy software, he bought a brand. The brand itself was worth billions.

No, he bought a user base.


Yup. He just killed the brand with X of all things. Billions of lost value.


They seem absolutely steadfast in the belief that this mobile internet thing will never catch on, so why make the site look/work well on it.

they probably weren’t getting much activity (views etc) compared to other platforms, like their own app. so it becomes a question of being worth keeping tabs on another thing when timely info is crucial

radio is still undefeated at getting out clear, accurate and timely info to the masses


Toilet of a platform.


User bases can disappear quickly, just look at MySpace.

The Twitter brand was huge.

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The trick with MySpace was that Facebook came along, and it was easier to find someone on Facebook than MySpace.

All Threads needed to do was have a chronological timeline, featuring only people you wanted to follow and an edit button, and the site formally known as Twitter would be dead.

Zuckerberg was soooooooo close to getting it right, but just missed.


Everyone is already on Twitter/X

Why would you leave?

Its called the network effect.

Facebook snuffed out myspace because it imported all your email contacts visualising your social network and instantly created a templated myspace that was more organised.

Theres a reason why you cant export out all your contacts from these sites.

Your facebook social network is actually built before you join the site.

Facebook also adopted the feed from other now-largely-obsolete formats like RSS and the livejournal/dreamwidth family of online journalling sites, that had a much cleaner interface but which were very slow to adopt stuff like no-stress video/image embedding. MySpace’s navigation and UI was a mess, having to actually visit other people’s pages to see what they were writing about, and then you were at the mercy of whatever awful skin and autoplaying music they’d decided to set up with. Facebook made the whole experience much easier, cleaner, and generally more attractive to demographics outside the 14yos who loved MySpace because of its media support, and the nerds who liked to more long-form journal sites and could deal with having to be a part-time coder to make them do what you wanted.

Then bomberblitz was born!

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I thought bomberblitz was born because people wanted to abuse players and bombertalk wouldn’t let them.


I only showed up the day Sheedy was sacked, i mean not renewed.

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Fark, I’m old enough to have been on bombertalk.


Me too.

Pretty sure it was the attacks on Henno that made the club divorce itself from bombertalk.

It was made much richer by the Walter Mitty of bombertalk, bomberdomination18, the maths genius.

DKp was worthless…still is…nothing’s changed.


i’m old enough to have forgotten it was a separate place

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I’m young enough to have never heard of it before.