Training 24/1/18

Has the matching the beard too.

A rugged tough Heppel to dominate the middle.

How did begley pull up? Parish looks like heā€™s going to kill him.

How did Begeley go in the match simulation?

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He always does. Itā€™s why I hope weā€™ll see more of him this year.


Zerrett got a head knock?

Did anyone see that? Is he ok?

I hope we donā€™t. No offence to him, but he wouldnā€™t be in our best 22. I agree he gives it everything though.
Possibly at the moment, he only needs one or two injuries in defence to get a gig.
In terms of medium defenders, Gleeson would be ahead of him and hopefully Francis is too. They might even use Goddard in that role.
Iā€™d also hope Redman steps up a bit this year and is ready to take a spot if there are 1 or 2 injuries.
I think if we see a fair bit of Dea it means there are a fair few injuries or some of the younger guys have gone backwards.

Edit: I actually thought he was a bit unlucky not to get more games in 2017. It will be harder for him this year.

If Dea plays Francis is fkd


I 100% reckon deaā€™s best is good enough for best 22. At worst, heā€™s very adequate depth. As it stands right now heā€™s the ideal depth player


I thought both Dea and Brown played well when given opportunities.

Perfect depth players to have on your list.


Brown looked good today. Strong.


Iā€™m a fan.

Hopefully he gets a chance.

I am too, actually. But as yet another intercepting defender.

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Itā€™s as if you were thereā€¦


I was looking at some of karmabombers pics on Instagram just then and geez Hurley looks very lean. Heā€™s trimmed down quite a bit more imo. I doubt heā€™ll be seeing many big forwards this season


Dea does exactly what you ask of him. Mug respect to him, been a very good servant in difficult circumstances.

Not in our best 22, but can come in and do a job well.


Auto correct on my phone put mean instead of lean, and I forgot to add Hurley. Haha.

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Agreeā€¦and if someone is taking Hartley to the cleaners it makes you wonder who is our plan B and C to stop the oppositions key forwards and ruck forwards.
That Syd final is still burning me.

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Iā€™d say weā€™re putting a lot of faith into ambrose and Hartley. Itā€™s the way the game is going though I suspect, Hawkins type forwards will soon be a thing of the past imo, if itā€™s not already. They get exposed the other way too easily


Yea and as much as I like Harts and Ambrose they are just good players, if our young midfield group arenā€™t atleast breaking even this year those guys are going to be exposed.

Were we 10th or 12th in defence last year ? we need to fix that if we are going anywhere in 18.