Training Feb 1

My timing was poor so only saw the end of training but here’s a few points.

Laverde - moved fine. Not injured. Did everything asked of him.

Joey - played high half forward in match practice and did fine. Later did a drill where from half forward he would hit the hard-leading Stewart with 35 or 40m passes. Did not miss.
Joey kicking left foot but occasionally the right, accurately too.
Did one on one marking with Stewart too and won most times.

Long - just does a couple of things that make you think yes. Baulks, blind turns, stutters. I prefer a developing player with X factor and he has that in spades.

Fantasia - takes game on. Get feeling he is approaching this year in a very positive mindset. He will be an improver this year.

Langford - wins a lot of inside ball. Reads it well and is hard to tackle.


Awesome Begbie!!!

Laverde - moved fine. Not injured. Did everything asked of him.

Thanks Begbie - positive comment on Lav, who I’m really hoping will take a huge step forward this year. Has the natural attributes to be a fine player. Langford too, though I feel he’s already heading in that direction smoothly

Ok can stop refreshing blitz now and can actually start working.

Thanks for the update bud, what was Hooker doing?

Wow. That is about the best news we’ve had this preseason. Lav and Joe both fine and training.
Hooker and Hartley hopefully both only a short time away. Leaves only TBC, whom Zaka said yesterday was aiming for rd1.
Happy days.

Laverde - moved fine. Not injured. Did everything asked of him.

Thanks for the update bud, what was Hooker doing?

Standing on the corner?

Sorry guys can’t comment on every player eg Hooker as I only got there for last few minutes of match practice.
Then half squad left field. Others did drills.

McKernan, however, looked like only one in rehab group.
Didn’t see TBC.
No one was doing laps.

From what we can gather it seems like at present the guys in modified training/injury rehab are:

Hartley, Hooker, TBell and Draper.

Smack could just be having a light session today but he had rejoined full training post his surgeries.

Thanks! Great news about Lav & Joe. 2 weeks to go!! Bring it on!

too much good news in that report. lid off

Joe CHF. That Antoni Banderas gif

I enjoyed this rather sparse training report so much that it’s now clear to me I’m only interested in good news. I wonder if we can organise an Alternative Facts match day thread each week where we thump the opposition every single time? “JOEDAN!! … DOESN’T MISS!!”

I enjoyed this rather sparse training report so much that it's now clear to me I'm only interested in good news. I wonder if we can organise an Alternative Facts match day thread each week where we thump the opposition every single time? "JOEDAN!! .... DOESN'T MISS!!"

Feelers are out for Sean Spicer as we speak…

HAHAHA!!! All you Fockers that wasted your panic dollars!!!

Fantasia - takes game on. Get feeling he is approaching this year in a very positive mindset. He will be an improver this year.

An Improver?!!?? His awesomness is already super awesome. Might have to revise my opinion of who the best 5 players at the club are if he continues to get better. That 2nd half of the year he put up super small forward numbers.

My timing was poor so only saw the end of training but here's a few points.

Laverde - moved fine. Not injured. Did everything asked of him.

Joey - played high half forward in match practice and did fine. Later did a drill where from half forward he would hit the hard-leading Stewart with 35 or 40m passes. Did not miss.
Joey kicking left foot but occasionally the right, accurately too.
Did one on one marking with Stewart too and won most times.

Long - just does a couple of things that make you think yes. Baulks, blind turns, stutters. I prefer a developing player with X factor and he has that in spades.

Fantasia - takes game on. Get feeling he is approaching this year in a very positive mindset. He will be an improver this year.

Langford - wins a lot of inside ball. Reads it well and is hard to tackle.