Triple J Hottest 100 2015


King Kunta at 2 sucks. Can’t stand that song. Whole album is average but there are two or three REALLY good tracks on there that didn’t crack the 100 and that got 2. Would’ve been amazing if “blacker the berry” made the top 100.

And drake sucks.

But I did like A$AP Rocky’s album

If you were disappointed with what made up the Hottest 100, don’t fret, the real Hottest 100 will be on the js this Sunday…all the great songs that didn’t make it but are in the Hottest 200-101.

Not to be too cynical but do JJJ make more money off tracks they produce from their unearthed artists & the covers segment?

Seem to get a hell of a lot of airplay, and corresponding votes.

Apart from the Like A Version album, I can’t see how they would

Not to be too cynical but do JJJ make more money off tracks they produce from their unearthed artists & the covers segment?

Seem to get a hell of a lot of airplay, and corresponding votes.

Like a version is the best thing they do, so it’s not that surprising

i don't get the Courtney Barnett love.

maybe I’m not cool enough, but it just sounds like a pub rock version of aussie hip hop.

I can only speak for myself, but, … a lot of new music is good, … but once you’ve been around a while … (let’s say you’ve been listening to pop/rock music since you were 5 which comes to sigh say 45 years or so) … there’s very little, new, different, and completely original under the sun.

Courtney fitted that bill more than anything coming out of Australia for many many years. … In fact her style is unique on a world wide basis. I can’t think of anyone ever quite like her with her arrangement & structure, lyric sense & style, coupled with the slightly deadpan vocal delivery. It’s not until you get to some of the lesser heard tracks you hear she actually has a good voice & a good range.(Eg: Anonomous Club)

I dislike repetition, & the song Depreston comes unstuck when it repeats the chorus ad nauseum for the last half of the track, & she does that on a few songs which is disappointing IMO, but that’s the only criticism for mine.

I’m really looking fwd to what she might produce as she matures & hopefully grows out of doing that.

Youd reckon Darren Hanlon has done that “style” for nearly 20 years though.