TV show thread (2022-?)

Without a doubt workaholics rates in my top five shows

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That was probably the producers brief when making the show. So at least they’ve nailed that.

Reality TV is grounded on the concept that most people enjoy watching others fail more than they do watching them succeed.

Binged it all yesterday, fantastic…sad I don’t have any episodes left

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Very late to the Ted Lasso party at our house, onto S2, really enjoying it, as does Mr BM


You need an open mind for this one. I’d leave it.

That one type is behaviour is just unacceptable as humour. Bad one to get first up.

Now it’s coinciding with my boycott of so many American shows.

In true Black Mirror style, this one is gonna sit with me for some time.



Although I haven’t seen Josh Hartnett in anything since 2003, I wasn’t a fan of episode 3.

Took way too long to get to a very predictable ending. I did like the final shot though.

If you predicted that to finish that way you are way way ahead of me, I saw it going the other way.

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Was epsiode 1 'joan is awful ’ or ‘1979’?

Scrolling from season 5 to season 6 has 1979 as the first but everyone seems to be watching joan first.

Anyway, small matter… Black Mirror providing the usual mind ■■■■■… so good

Joan is awful is listed as episode 1.


Mazey Day is comfortably the worst BM episode I’ve seen. Can’t say I predicted that twist though

Now for #5

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You and I are on the same pace and agree this was the weakest episode of the season.

With the talk in here about Black Mirror I finally took the plunge to watch it. Disturbed that I did but a great show.

Oh my god the first episode with the British PM and the pig!!


Just an all time classic.

Peak BM.


Demon 79 was fun, definitely not what one would expect from BM.

Loch Henry comfortably the best episode of the season, even if Joan is Awful had Selma Hayek ■■■■■■■■ in a church

Mazey Day though, ■■■■■■■ hell. “What if Britney Spears was a werewolf?” “You’ve done it again Charlie!” Worst BM episode by a mile for mine.

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Surprised no one rates Beyond the Sea, thought that was just epic, so many answers but so many questions. Set in a late 60’s space exploration, Why did they have Replica technology, and could not rebuild it ?. What was the mission the two astro naughts were on? they were obviously from the real time as had families in real life but were chosen to go on this mission. I need to know

Loch Henry, Jesus Christ.


Fubar - on Netflix with Arnie Schwartzneger.

watched most of the first series, just a really east to watch show, with few laughs.

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Only Murders in the Building due back on Disney+ in early August.