US politics - cooked

If you have access to the internet (dumb question nowadays I know) then is a very handy link. Just make sure you have a couple of ad blockers, I use ghostery and Adblock plus. They prevent most of the shi.tty ads from popping up.

Thanks LB. I do have internet that’s how I posted here :slight_smile: I managed to get it just by vpn back to AUS and watching over KO on delay. Was surprisingly good quality.

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OK. Stats are in.
The loss of Mr Carlson’s nativist, divisive populism has led 1.15m people to abandon conservative cable news in prime time, but where have they all gone? Newsmax? Nope. Down another rabbit hole? Maybe?
No one knows.

Where are the error bars? Since the sacking, they have gone from ~2.6% to ~1.7%.

OAN probably.

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twitter links seem broken with discourse so here’s a screenshot, Kari Loser has lost again.

" Early last week a @KariLake spokesperson told me an appeal is expected."

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Truck crashed into the fence of the White House. Nazi flag found inside.

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Just some of Donald’s “Very Good People…”


In AFL speak they would probably be called good blokes



Was actually an incorrect reference e to his Charlottesville comment:

“…there were very fine people on both sides”

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Trump runs his stupid mouth and ends up facing the same woman , in court, he lost so only a few weeks ago.


Not sure what anyone expected. I think he’s already appealing the original verdict, and you can rely on him to stretch that out as long as possible.

It’ll take years, and he’ll be dead or president (or both) by then. Even if by some miracle the verdict sticks and none of the lickspittle judges he appointed knock it down, he’ll just drag his feet in on paying it indefinitely and force her to go through ANOTHER protracted legal process before she sees a cent. His form is very very predictable at this point.

and “Good to see some sensible driving”

we all want justice, but you have to have the money to buy it.

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His makeup game is pretty weak.

Probably singing Hooker with a ■■■■■


Desanctimonious announcing his candidacy very shortly according to BBC


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