US politics - cooked

Yeah, … they are hoping to get enough pressure on Weisselberg for him to flip, and if he does,… oh boy.

Here’s hoping.




Notice they are taking his passport. Trump is going to find it hard to get him out of the US now.
So, just wait for the mysterious heart attack. Unless of course Weisselburg has some “insurance” locked away in a safety deposit box

They got Al Capone on tax code violations, and Trump is a bigger crook than him

They got Capone on tax code violations because the Chicago judiciary was so corrupt (plus the pressure on local jury members) that they had to get him into a federal court. Same reason they used federal court cases during the civil rights era for events down south.

They had plenty of evidence at a local level, that wasn’t the problem.

Well then seems nothing much has changed.

Trump is hardly Capone.

No scar but as big a criminal.

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Giuliani dismantled capone and friends leaving a power vacuum which was promptly filled by the russian mafia.

And here we are.


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Trump is to much of a wimp to be a gangster, just a bully grifter

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He owes the mob plenty. They financed his British golf clubs. Apparently all paid for with cash. Nice laudering job.

Wowee. 5 years of investigation upon investigation, illegal spying and abuse of the justice system and this is what they come up with?


Got to be the most honest billionaire in history. Any other super rich dude subject to this much scrutiny would be serving 10 life sentences by now.

Might need to change the jury again

Don’t change Guzzlg, don’t change a thing. Pure entertainment.


Facts are facts.

He is unusually squeaky clean. It’s actually hard to believe for someone with his wealth. He must go out of his way to do so or just naturally has an extraordinary amount of integrity that most humans do not.

This is A+ bait my friend, guaranteed you get some frenzied responses out of this. You’re trying so so so hard so you deserve some success!


Not true

It’s actually hilarious. In my professional dealings with the ATO if they found some non-compliance with Fringe Benefits Tax they would just mostly just ignore it any look at real tax issues.

How embarrassing for these prosecutors and what a waste of taxpayer money. They are the real tax cheats.