US politics - the end of an error

And blacks.

“The narrative” was wrong…

Wayne county bringing it home.

@Paul_Peos would be pleased.


I can’t believe Flint in Michigan is 50/50.
They would have hated Biden over the Obama drinking water stunt.

Wonder how many Mail Ins just didn’t make it for one reason or another … :thinking:

Yep. In a minute, Flake went from a principled man to a man who is fixated on his party having power even (especially) if it means nothing ever gets done.

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Biden in front of Wisconsin!

We going to get faulty punch card machines(? Think that was it) like Florida back in 2000

“Hangin’ Chads!!”

Hope to fk I never hear them mentioned ever again.

Is it all over of he wins that?

Tucker Carlson?

Nevada is still close (but expected to go Biden).
Arizona is still close (but expected to go Biden).
He needs Georgia as well to win and he’s closing the gap, but looks like losing there.

That’s one I have heard floating around, yes.

Finally! The marriage between political data and transcendental wellness music has arrived.

“I’ve only waited most of my life for this” -Anon


It’s Atlanta that’s lagging in results in Georgie. They will come in strong from Biden.

He shouldn’t need Georgia if he takes Michigan and holds the ones he is leading in.

Take all the states and get above 300. We want repudiation not a small win.


Its the worst of both worlds, looks and sounds like someone who could actually do the job but is arguably a more evil bastard than Trump, AND the Trumpeters would adore him🤮

Biden needs two of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan.

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He is closing in on Michigan.
But Nevada and Arizona are a tad concerning.

This is going to court and will drag out for weeks

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