VFL - Rnd12 2023 Carlton 2.05pm Sun 11 Ikon park

Man this is caca

Unable to watch on AFL site due to location, never been an issue before. Any other way to watch?

The old one handed handpass 15m out.

I feel like vomiting whenever Crocker is on screen, looks like an ice dealing scumbag. He could be an absolute gentleman, never met him.

Channel 7 account and VPN?

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Mrs Foley’s baby boy.

Pour chilli flakes into your eyes. Same result.

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Stream channel 7


Foley i think

Get on the next flight to Melbourne.

Crowd are streaming out asking for their money back


Skills from both teams woeful



Walla legged, play on’


Channel 7

This is possibly the worst game of football that’s ever been played.

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Yeah for some reason i got this as well. Had to turn on the VPN to put myself in Oz. Working fine through AFL website now.