VFLW - Round 11 vs Norf @ The Hangar, 11am Sun 4 June 2023

Hurrell has a puffer.

I can’t spell asphyma. Guess is wrong.

2MP finishes training.

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Sun burns through the fog.

Spargo Cornish and AshleyCooper stroll in.

Darebin trail the Pies 7-27 at halftime.

Grass is luxuriant and sopping on top of Bullant Hill.

Should have worn the more waterproof shoes.

We’re kicking to the airport end.

Morrow starts as ruck, taps directly to Norf clearance.

Hurrell forced to rush a behind.


And that becomes ye olde seven point play, as a stoppage kick just clears the two players at the top of the goal square.


Morrow ruck free. To Kenny free on the wing. To MFord mark. To Manfre lead… ump pays a free to Meg instead.


Poster follows.


Huta filling defensive space on the far wing as everyone goes to our HFF for repeated stoppages.

Sutton contested clunk in the back pocket.

Ryan big contested win at CHF leads to a Clifford free kick hard in the pocket. Misses.


Molan two intercept marks.

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Two “marks” in a row paid to Norf. Courtney intercepts the next kick.


We look more dangerous when going forward; but they’ve had more of it.

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Lucky there; Norf had two players waiting for the centring kick, but accuracy was not with them.


Grandstands getting used.

Dicker rucks :crazy_face:

But Sutton gets it, to Chaston, who kicks to the goal face and Clifford reads it best. Runs in to goal.


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