VFLW - Round 13 vs Willy @ Willy, 1PM Saturday 19 June 2021 - with YouTube stream


Argggggggh. So frustrating.

2.6.18 leads 2.1.13 at halftime.

Have the spiderweb nets moved from Gippsland and the Ranges?

VFL app says 18-13

EDIT: is correct. One of you bastards correct me when I add 7 point goals! Have fixed the previous scores now…

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Footscray getting destroyed by Collingwood. Sixth spot on the ladder wide open.

Meanwhile, on the AFL site…

Willy girls are LOUD.

Let’s roll.


The Seagulls do the same, seconds later.

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Willy have a spot of wind favouring them in this third quarter.


CBomb rebounded to Clifford. Centred, and Svarc burnt turf and sold candy to goal.


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Georgia tackles. Georgia gets free.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

Chill sea breeze now.

Barba kicks to the hot spot. Hosking set to mark but is tunnelled. Free and… point.

But we block their escape from the backline and Clifford… points?

Kick was at the goalpost under severe pressure.


Clifford tackle is another forward stoppage.

Georgia hitting fall of the ball multiple times.

Another goal, and Willy will crack.