C Bomb
DanMarshall gets the sling tackle free on the last line.
Mia mark kick
Saints playing extra back.
Clifford a juggling contested leading mark. In range within wind.
Kicks the wrong side for the wind to help.
Saints clunking their way out of defence.
Five marks into the wind to centre wing before they give it up.
Very physical Saints side
Frew’s opponent can hold position versus her. Impressive.
You do not simply let Frew have the ball 48 out.
One step… post-high goal.
Nalder fills the gap down back to cut them off.
Tierney coming into it.
We’re giving the Saints way too much space.
Need another goal by halftime.
Stoppage 25 out…
Cornish caught against the boundary line. Tierney has it fifty out.
Squares it but it flies over Manfre.
Radford pack snap on the full. Maybe the last chance.
Two minutes left.
Clifford runs down a big Saint.
Stoppage thirty out.
Frew and Cornish nearly quadruple soccer a goal.
WTAF that is a clear free after the siren.
Fark you umps!!!
Saints kick out of bounds untouched before the siren. Frew not allowed to have the shot from thirty.
She was demonstrative about that. With the wind a much easier shot at goal, and she would be better than not to convert.