Nalder doing well against their monster rucks. Did some nice ground level work earlier too.
A bad set shot falls into the lap of Chaston at the top of the goal square. She kicks the goal.
Frew moved to the middle.
All down the Hawks end so far.
Rain starting.
Major coaching from the bench currently. La Presidenta says “he looks angry, which makes me happy”.
1:30 left this quarter. Rain is persistent.
1.2.8 trails 1.5.11 at halftime
Game could go either way. Hopefully the wet conditions help us.
Georgia done for the day? Ice wrapped on right lower leg.
Lock in Chaston to be an AFLW player next year.
We’ve been a bit lucky with Hawks failing to convert, but with one straight kick in it it’s very much up for grabs.
It continues to rain. Frew and/or Barba will need to do well in the midfield to give us chances up front. Georgia has not come out after halftime.
I apologise for mentioning earlier in this thread that we’d had a good run with injury…
Frew goes forward.
Cornish Hosking in the middle with Barba and AshleyCooper, plus Nalder.
Grey wall of rain between the grandstand and the play.
Major still coaching from the bench. No waterproof jacket for him.
Hard to get clean sequences now.
Nattie off. Barely had a touch. Friswell replaces her.
Chaston kicks her third point.
CBomb contested touch to neutralise a goal on the last line.
Chaston leads and marks.