Alana set shot point from thirty out on the boundary.
Alana set shot point from thirty out on the boundary.
CBomb wins contest on their burst.
It’s all happening here. Ugle to Nalder lead and mark, onto Frew, tackled high, free, GOAL!
16-14 we lead!
Centre clearance: to Federica, to Nattie!!!
Set shot… falls short. She was not far enough out for that to be an expected problem
Umps only pay kicking in danger against us.
They have otherwise got on board with us this quarter though.
As soon as I write that, an ump jumps off board.
7 minutes left.
Gardner marks on the last line.
OMG. She was flat against the boundary on the run, and slotted it.
5 minutes left.
Nice bounce denied them a snap shot on goal.
Gardner three-juggles mark in defence, with the last grab centimetres off the ground.
It still counts!
Davies absolutely buried into the turf forty out… and the push is paid.
Scramble forward, Federica centres with a kick off the ground, and Clifford GOALS!!!
Exceptional effort by the girls today
We’re gonna win.
Friswell attempts another impossible shot from the boundary. Veeeeeeery close.