VFLW - Round 8 vs Fark Carlton @ The Hangar, 12noon Saturday 9 April 2022

Expect a temp of 25, and a decent breeze to right of screen.

This will be an AFLW Grand Final spoiler-free thread.

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Appleby has a sharp haircut. Must be the direct replacement for CBomb.

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Taping up for R[o]ulton.

La Presidenta: Marianna does NOT have tape on the knee!!!

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All emergencies in the warmup, as usual.

Caruso only sneaker-ed.

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The breeze and partial cloud cover is quite cooling, thankfully.

Wind isn’t yet equal to the Saints game (but could become so), but is pretty much direct to the southern goals.

Appleby with the forwards, so may be replacing CBomb in more than just hair.

Elarmaly with the mids. Cornish #1 ruck, it seems.

Fark Carlton in surrender white.


Appleby in #27

Clifford with the eulogy.

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Fark Carlton win the toss and are kicking with the wind.

Bench includes Elarmaly Tamsin GraceDicker

AshleyCooper in defence

The Bellas are the deep-ish defenders.

Appleby nearly runs onto a mark close to goal.

Nanscawen has started four already.